
Why did you forbid our meeting,

بأية حجة منع الوصالا

1. Why did you forbid our meeting,
My beloved, though longing afflicts me?

١. بأية حجة منع الوصالا
حبيب صدعن كبر وصالا

2. God has clothed him with beauty,
And filled his features with charm.

٢. وريم قد كساه الله حسنا
وافرغ في شمائله الجمالا

3. Perhaps he has turned from me -
No wonder if the branch should bend.

٣. لعل له وكم قد مال عني
ولا عجب اذا ما الغصن مالا

4. I say to him, crying with passion
In wonder, "Why this aloofness?"

٤. اقول له بذل الوجد صلني
بقول مرتفعا بالعجب لالا

5. Our separation fans the fire of my heart,
Leaving it to him, exposed to harm.

٥. يؤجج بالتباعد نار قلبي
ويجعله له للفتك خالا

6. I ask his faithfulness, though I know
I attempt the impossible.

٦. اطالبه الوفاء وقد اراني
طلبت بما احاوله المحالا

7. The water of beauty flows in him
Trickling from his features.

٧. ترقرق فيه ماء الحسن حتى
تقاطر منه شمائله وسالا

8. He wandered, exalted above his lovers,
Mixing coyness and charm.

٨. وتاه على محبيه علوا
وقد مزج الملاحة والدلالا

9. From his eyelids flowed whiteness,
And his dark hair showed balance.

٩. ومن اجفانه قد سل بيضا
وعلم قدم السمر اعتدالا

10. From between his lashes came magic
Explaining lawful witchery.

١٠. وابرز من خلال الجفن سحرا
يفسر شأنه السحر الحلالا

11. With his words he created perfection -
I know not if that was wine or words.

١١. وابدع بالمقال فلست ادري
اخمرا كان ذلك ام مقالا

12. He walked, and I thought the moon walked,
He appeared, and his appearance was the crescent.

١٢. مشى فظننت ان البدر يمشي
وطل فخلت طلعته الهلالا

13. Touching charm, he shook a spear,
And with the softness of his glance, he shot arrows.

١٣. وماس مع الدلال فهز رمحا
ورش بلطف رمشته نبالا

14. He smiled, and pearls shone from his mouth
With the brilliance of his beauty's hills.

١٤. تبسم فانجلا بالثغر در
ببارقة المحاسن قد تلالا

15. His glance surprised his lovers with arrows,
After his conquest, ending the battle.

١٥. وفاجأ عاشقيه بسهم طرف
كفاهم بعد غزته القتالا

16. Think of this human being, and you will find
The ways of gazelles in him.

١٦. تفكر فيه يا هذا لتلفى
بطرز الآدميين الغزالا

17. By his coquetry you witness the night,
And the sun's likeness in his cheeks.

١٧. وتشهد بالذوائب منه ليلا
وفي الخدين للشمس المثالا

18. May God protect him from the dangerous gazelle,
Who has grown tall before the brave lion.

١٨. رعاه الله من ظبي غرير
على الليث الهصور قد استطالا

19. His features have softened, but his heart
Has hardened, bringing me anguish.

١٩. لقد رقت حواشيه ولكن
قسا قلبا فاكسبني انتحالا

20. I kept my love's promises to him
Until I deprived any but him from my imagination.

٢٠. حفظت له عهود الحب حتى
منعت لغير طلعته الخيالا

21. So he increased in remoteness and wandering,
Leaving me burning with anxiety and boredom.

٢١. فزاد بعيد ذا هجرا وتيها
واورثني التلهف والملالا

22. Thus gazelles are startled without cause,
Fleeing in panic and alarm.

٢٢. كذا الغزلان تنفر لا لقصد
ولا سبب نؤوا وانذهالا

23. I reproach him but he does not understand rebuke,
I question him but he does not answer.

٢٣. أعاتبه فلم يفقه عتابا
واسئله فلم يجب السؤالا

24. When he lengthened his distance and wandered in injustice and tyranny,
Though promising nearness, prolonging it,

٢٤. ولما ان اطال وتاه ظلما
وعدوانا ووعد القرب طالا

25. I composed him as existence, and in purity
Left all else to the Exalted Creator.

٢٥. نظمت به الوجود وعن صفاء
تركت الكل للباري تعالى