
Where the mind is astonished,

بحيث اندهش الفكر

1. Where the mind is astonished,
And where the chest is relieved,

١. بحيث اندهش الفكر
وحيث انشرح الصدر

2. Is a sublime place,
Wherein lies the sea's tomb.

٢. مقام باهر فيه
ضريح ضمنه البحر

3. The absent leader of determination,
May the full moon be missed.

٣. فقيد حاضر العزم
وقد يفتقد البدر

4. The imam of the people has become,
For him among the saints is the command.

٤. امام القوم من اضحى
له في الاوليا الامر

5. The grandson of Al-Murtada, the succor,
Not Rafa'i, the guided treasure.

٥. سليل المرتضى الغوث ال
رفاعي المرشد الذخر

6. His stature was revealed to the cognizant,
A status with which he is unparalleled.

٦. تجلى منه للاقرا
ن شأن ما به نكر

7. The hand of the Chosen One extended,
Since the grave was split open for him.

٧. تدلى راحة المختا
ر مذ شق لها القبر

8. Musk and fragrance diffused,
Victory and good tidings shone.

٨. وفاح المسك والعطر
ولاح الفتح والبشر

9. How many signs it has,
Before which dawn is ashamed.

٩. وكم منها اشارات
لديها يخجل الفجر

10. How many sublimities it lowers,
For which embers are honored.

١٠. وكم من صولة يخ
مد اجلالا لها الجمر

11. How much loftiness it brings down,
Below which the eagle cannot soar.

١١. وكم من رفعة ين
حط عن مرقاتها النسر

12. What a succor for the nation is its pride,
From his morals, the purity of chest and patience.

١٢. فيا لله من غوث
به للامة الفخر

13. And humbling the self, so that
Greatness cannot rival its breadth.

١٣. ومن اخلاقه الغر
صفاء الصدر والصبر

14. And empowerment like the eye of Al-Mustafa,
Nothing mars it like sugar.

١٤. وذل النفس حتى لا
يداني رحبها الكبر

15. And a deed far from words,
And words all remembrance.

١٥. وتمكين كحال المص
طفى ما شابه السكر

16. And remembrance all reflection,
And reflection all gratitude.

١٦. وفعل جل عن قول
وقول كله ذكر

17. He rested in the forest of al-‘Irfan,
A lion guarded by victory.

١٧. وذكر كله فكر
وفكر كله شكر

18. And ruled the saints a sultan,
The treasure of his poverty's glory.

١٨. ثوى في غابة العرفا
ن ليثاً حفه النصر

19. For him has been inscribed on the tablet of The Most High,
Before all, the first line.

١٩. وساد الاوليا سلطا
ن مجد كنزه الفقر

20. And the hymn of the Most High for him resounded,
And the matter became famous.

٢٠. له قد خط في لوح ال
علا قبل الاولى السطر

21. And of his traces in existence appeared,
Blossoming stars.

٢١. وضجت نوبة العليا
له واشتهر الامر

22. So reside by his door O exalted one,
Even if ages perplex you.

٢٢. ومن آثاره في الكو
ن لاحت انجم زهر

23. And heal a soul, beware
That adversity and harm see you.

٢٣. فلازم بابه المرفو
ع ان حار بك الدهر

24. And sleep in security, for the Master,
For him in Ahmad is mystery.

٢٤. وطب نفسا فحاشا ان
يراك الضيم والضير

٢٥. ونم بالامن فالمولى
له في احمد سر