
The distance kindles her love,

هيج البعد هواها

1. The distance kindles her love,
Prolonged longing torments her.

١. هيج البعد هواها
مهجة طال اساها

2. She loved the ruins of Najd,
And so she yearned for its plentitude.

٢. عشقت اطلال نجد
ولها شبت لظاها

3. Whenever her sigh pulls her,
Her fervor pursues her sigh.

٣. كلما تجذب آها
تتبع اللهفة آها

4. My ardour is toward her,
And what has exposed her.

٤. لهفي مي عليها
وعلى ما قد عراها

5. Najd’s pasturelands with arrows
Have struck what they have aimed at.

٥. ريم نجد بنبال
صائبات قد رماها

6. Nights past brought me near
Sulayy, and what it nurtured.

٦. وليال سلفت لي
قرب سلع ورباها

7. Comfort my heart with love,
Though climax has wearied it.

٧. سلي القلب غراما
ولوجد ما سلاها

8. And doves of Sulayy
Recall whom I passionately love.

٨. وحمامات بسلع
ذكر من تهوى شجاها

9. Her eyes neglected me,
And my purpose augmented my sigh.

٩. هملت منها عيون
والنوى زاد عناها

10. Can anyone but the living,
My water, sympathize and weep?

١٠. هل لغير الحي يا
مي عناها وبكاها

11. May she reach what will
Bring wealth from them, and may she live!

١١. فعساها تبلغ الآ
مال منهم وعساها

12. She is that living one beyond
Any doubt in the universe.

١٢. هي ذاك الحي لاش
ك من الكون ماها

13. O ruins I see her
Sharing her passion with me!

١٣. يا لاطلال اراها
شاركتني بهواها

14. Except I am constantly
Loving her unlike any other.

١٤. غير اني كل آن
دون غيري مبتلاها

15. I mourn the ruins in solitude,
And my purpose is exhausted.

١٥. اندب الاطلال وحدي
والنوى اقصى مداها

16. Strange, with my distance
My eyes saw none but her.

١٦. وعجيب مع بعدي
لم تر العين سواها

17. Her pasturelands are a chain in my eye
With downpour like water.

١٧. ريمها سلسل من عي
ني بالصد المياها

18. By it how much light kindled
From her distress and blindness!

١٨. وبه كم ضاء من
يعقوبها المضنى عماها

19. So ask my tribe,
How it has seared my innermost being.

١٩. فاسئلوه يا لقومي
مهجتي كيف كواها

20. And how the ruins of Najd
Have bent it with cruelty!

٢٠. والى اطلال نجد
كيف بالقهر ثناها

21. May God protect it
From her pastureland’s heat and shelter it!

٢١. فرعاه الله من
ريم رعاها ورعاها

22. How many brows have we laid down
In its ground and its lips!

٢٢. ليت شعري والاماني
كم بها الولهان تاها

23. Oh soil, none but her lips
Have touched it!

٢٣. هل الريم بها
تيك المغاني واراها

24. Would that I knew, and imaginations,
How the pasturelands have confused it!

٢٤. عبقت بالمسك من
كل الحواشي طرفاها

25. Do the pasturelands’
Rains relate the melodies I have seen?

٢٥. وزها يشرق في سم
ك العلا بادي سناها

26. Have they diffused with musk
Every edge of her figure?

٢٦. هي سيناء فؤادي
وجد اليوم هداها

27. Does her splendor rise in a sky
Of her openly radiant beauty?

٢٧. هي شمس الروح في
برج التجلي وضحاها

28. She is the Sinai of my heart,
And passion today has guided her.

٢٨. تطرب الروح وتبغي
نار قرب من طواها

29. She is the sun of the soul
In the sign of its rising and brilliance.

٢٩. قدس الله حما وا
دي حماها وحماها

30. She brings joy to the soul, which desires
A fire drawing near its fold.

٣٠. كم طرحنا جبهات
بثراها وشفاها

31. May God sanctify the family
And country He has protected!

٣١. يا ثرى ما شمل الع
لة الا وشفاها

32. How many battles have we offered
To her ground and her lips!

٣٢. آه يا ريم رباها
انت نبراس زكاها

33. O land, none has embraced virtues
But her ground and her lips!

٣٣. داو لي المهجة بالوص
ل فذا البعد كفاها