
A gentle breeze stirred longing in my heart

أهاجك ربع عفا مخلق

1. A gentle breeze stirred longing in my heart
Yes, so my heart clings on

١. أَهاجَكَ رَبعٌ عَفا مُخلِقُ
نَعَم فَفُؤادِيَ مُستَعلِقُ

2. To the memory of one whose home is now far off
My heart is held ransom, fettered fast

٢. لِذِكرَةِ مَن قَد نَأَت دارُهُ
فَقَلبِيَ في رَهنِهِ موثَقُ

3. Time reminds me of days gone by
Of life once lived, and tears flood my eyes

٣. يُذَكِّرُني الدَهرَ ما قَد مَضى
مِنَ العَيشِ فَالعَينُ تَغرَورِقُ

4. Nights with my family and with hers
My tears outpacing memories of them

٤. لَيالِيَ أَهلي وَأَهلُ الَّتي
دُموعي بِذِكراهُمُ تَسبِقُ

5. Our gatherings were one and the same
Bonds of affection firmly tied

٥. خَليطانِ مَحضَرُنا واحِدٌ
فَحَبلُ المَوَدَّةِ لا يَخلَقُ

6. For us and for India, despite sorrow
Exile was our fate, our home forlorn

٦. لَنا وَلِهِندٍ بِجَنبِ الغَمي
مِ مَبدىً وَمَنزِلُنا مُؤنِقُ

7. If that time has indeed passed away
Your bond with her will come undone

٧. فَإِن يَكُ ذاكَ الزَمانُ اِنقَضى
فَحَبلُكَ مِن حَبلِها مُطلَقُ

8. For I lived before absorbed in her
And union with us did hang upon

٨. فَقَد عِشتُ في ما مَضى لاهِياً
بِها وَالوِصالُ بِنا يَعلَقُ