1. Our words passed upon our people
While they from the heart yearn for home
١. كلامنا مر على أهلنا
وهم من القلب جوى المنزل
2. Their homeland is secretly from the desert climes
And we from them are in isolation
٢. موطنهم سرا مناخ الحشا
وأننا عنهم لفي معزل
3. And our words are sweet to our enemies
Though we know the darkness does not brighten
٣. وقولنا حلوٌ لأعدائنا
وإن علمنا العتم لا ينجلي
4. We deceive them openly as they deceived
And from the generosity of hatred we did not alight
٤. نخدعهم جهراً كما خادعوا
وعن جواد البغض لم ننزل