
The caravan was disturbed by the clamor

حثثنا الركب اقلقه الضجيج

1. The caravan was disturbed by the clamor
The ferocious lion had disappeared into its lair

١. حثثنا الركب اقلقه الضجيج
لغاب حلها الاسد المهيج

2. Master of the two realms, our Sayyid al-Rifa’i
And whoever moans for him, the wailings echo

٢. ابو العلمين سيدنا الرفاعي
ومن يندو بندبته الاجيج

3. He has a rope from the Master of the Ascension
With it to the horizon, his ascension was completed

٣. له من صاحب المعراج حبل
به للافق تم له العروج

4. His noble virtues in the wilderness
Have a scent in every corner

٤. مناقبه الجليلة في البرايا
لها في كل زاوية اريج

5. And the Kaaba of his integrity from every side
Is circled by the pilgrims

٥. وكعبة رشده من كل فج
من الاقطاب طاف به الحجيج

6. By Allah, his great character
Rose high as if it were a blossoming meadow

٦. ويالله منه عظيم خلق
علا وكأنه الروض البهيج

7. And his courtyard is a sky of glories
In its essence are lodged constellations

٧. وساحته سماء للمعالي
بها في كنه طيتها بروج

8. And how many ascended the glories through him
And crooked people straightened with his guidance

٨. وكم عان به صعد المعالي
وقوم جهرة بهداه عوج

9. His noble miracles are manifest
Exalted is his might by the Highest Companion

٩. خوارقه الشريفة ظاهرات
يقربها لعزتها العلوج

10. He has wisdom in subtle words
Through them the sea of his wonders surges

١٠. له حكم بالفاظ رقاق
بها بحر عجائبه تموج

11. Vast in knowledge, none can compete
And how can the Gulf compare to an ocean?

١١. محيط بالمعارف لا يجاري
وكيف يشابه البحر الخليج

12. The envious aspire to be his equal
But their quest to surpass him is confined

١٢. يروم الحاسدون له مثيلا
وضاق بهم من الطلب الخروج

13. Indeed, these stars have a whiteness
And where is their whiteness compared to snow?

١٣. اجل هذى النجوم لها بياض
واين بياضها منها الثلوج

14. The lion is wary when called while secure
Against the swords and armor of its attacker

١٤. تراع الاسد اذ يدعى وامن
عواملها الصوارم والوشيج

15. Oh son of the Messenger, and towards whom but you
Does our passionate desire kindle?

١٥. الا يا ابن الرسول ومن اليه
بنا شوق عزائمنا يهيج

16. We call upon you for care, so turn
To a people determined yet anxious in refuge

١٦. دعوناك العناية فالو طرفا
لقوم عزمهم قلق خلوج

17. And consider, for the generous one in any case
Is accustomed to revisiting enduring hopes

١٧. ولاحظ فالكريم بكل حال
يعاوده اخو الامل اللجوج