1. How can one deny your sublime glory,
When you are the radiance that illuminates the world?
١. أيجحد من جلالتك السناء
وانت لعمتة الدنيا ضياء
2. Alone you entered the arena of battle,
Among a people whose harshness was extreme.
٢. برزت لساحة المجلا يتيماً
بقوم طم قسوتهم جفاء
3. You had no wealth, O Messenger of God,
Nor any helper except Divine decree.
٣. وما لك يا رسول الله مال
ولا من ناصر الا القضاء
4. So the Creator entrusted His secret to you,
And through you the earth and sky found peace.
٤. فأودع فيك مبدي الخلق سرا
تقر الارض فيه والسماء
5. Your sweat is a noble, virtuous kind,
From pure, eminent forebears it sprang.
٥. فعرقك عرقه نوع شريف
اصيل قام فيه الاصفياء
6. Your nature is imbued with the highest virtues,
By nature's decree, of this there is no doubt.
٦. وقد طبعت بطينتك المعالي
وحكم الطبع ليس به مراء
7. We see that these elements are active,
This water that sees, and this air that flows.
٧. نرى هذي العناصر فاعلات
وهذا الماء يبصر والهواء
8. The sun emerges from its sheath of light,
With a brilliance that cannot be dispelled.
٨. وان الشمس تبرز من سناها
شؤنا لا يقوم بها الهباء
9. You were nurtured with a nature that cannot
Be surpassed by any who came before or after.
٩. ترعرع فيك طبع ما تثنى
لغيرك فاق من ذهبوا وجاؤا
10. A perfection in existence you represent,
Exalted in the eyes of God, and sublime.
١٠. نظام في الوجود به بهاءٌ
بعين الله طورك والبهاء
11. A mind that sets in motion the millstones of insight,
And speech like fate, effective and clear.
١١. وعقل قد يدير رحى البرايا
ولفظ كالقضاء له مضاء
12. Knowledge directly from God puzzled
The scholars, its beauty is modesty.
١٢. وعلم من جناب الله حارت
له العلماء زينه الحياء
13. Justice, from you, of such great extent,
And your forbearance, affection, and generosity.
١٣. وعدل فيه منك عظيم طول
وحلمك والتأود والسخاء
14. Asceticism that has enriched the cosmos,
And truthfulness that sincerity has adorned.
١٤. وزهد قد زوى الاكوان طرا
وصدق زان رونقه الوفاء
15. Perseverance, firm and valiant,
And superiority that never expires.
١٥. وصبر فيه تمكين وجاش
وفضل ما لبهجته انقضاء
16. Excess of courage and noble perspective,
Discretion in expanding and restraining.
١٦. وفرط شجاعة وشريف رأي
له بالحزم نشر وانطواء
17. Comprehensive, magnificent character,
Generosity that cannot be contained.
١٧. وبر شامل وعظيم خلق
وبذل ليس يحجره العطاء
18. A heart that is all sympathy and kindness,
To people, it makes no distinctions.
١٨. وقلب كله عطف ورفق
لديه الناس كلهم سواء
19. You removed the covering from hardened peoples,
Without the truth, covers would not be lifted.
١٩. كشفت غطاء اقوام شداد
ولولا الحق ما كشف الغطاء
20. They saw the light of prophecy shining from you,
In styles unmatched by previous prophets.
٢٠. رأوا نور النبوة منك يجلى
بطرز ما جلته الانبياء
21. You erased injustice and caprice from them,
Purity emerged as their cover was lifted.
٢١. محقت الظلم والاهواء عنهم
وقام عن الغشاء بهم صفاء
22. They bore witness to your evident miracles,
Carried out sincerely, clearly manifested.
٢٢. وقد شهدوا لذاتك معجزات
بدست الصدق تم لها انجلاء
23. You unveiled the curtain upon the science of being,
While for others its discourse was but idle talk.
٢٣. وعن علم الكيان كشفت سترا
لديه كلام من هذروا هواء
24. You shook the wilds with your cleaving,
To you hearts flocked with fervent zeal.
٢٤. وزلزلت البرية بانقاسم
له هرع القلوب لها رغاء
25. Remembrance of your holy name flowers,
And tears precede the words it elicits.
٢٥. وتذكر اسمك القدسي زهر
فيسبق قولها منها البكاء
26. Your law is entirely just and true,
Relieving distress with equity.
٢٦. وشرعك كله عدل وحق
وانصاف يزال به العناء