1. I am the one whom you hear of and see
Do not deny the news of my passion
١. أَنا مَن تَسمَعُ عَنهُ وَتَرى
لا تُكَذِّب عَن غَرامي خَبَرا
2. I have a lover whose attributes are perfect
I have a right in his love to make excuses
٢. لي حَبيبٌ كَمَلت أَوصافُهُ
حُقَّ لي في حُبِّهِ أَن أُعذَرا
3. When his beauty became well known
I went out well known in passion for him
٣. حينَ أَضحى حُسنُهُ مُشتَهِرا
رُحتُ في الوَجدِ بِهِ مُشتَهِرا
4. Everything about my lover is beautiful
I do not see any like my lover in all creation
٤. كُلُّ شَيءٍ مِن حَبيبي حَسَنٌ
لا أَرى مِثلَ حَبيبي في الوَرى
5. Dazed I have become in him
Dark I have become in longing for him
٥. أَحوَرٌ أَصبَحتُ فيهِ حائِراً
أَسمَرٌ أَمسَيتُ فيهِ سَمَرا
6. Some of what his glances cast on me
He continues forever to make me infatuated
٦. بَعضُ ما أَلقاهُ مِنهُ أَنَّهُ
لا يَزالُ الدَهرَ بي مُستَهتِرا
7. So you see me crying, depressed
And you see him laughing, delighted
٧. فَتَراني باكِياً مُكتَئِباً
وَتَراهُ ضاحِكاً مُستَبشِرا
8. For at night his hair spreads
In which is the sweetest distress and vigil
٨. إِنَّ لَيلاً قَد دَجا مِن شَعرِهِ
فيهِ ما أَحلى الضَنى وَالسَهَرا
9. And in the morning his face appears
Dazzling minds when it dawns
٩. وَصَباحاً قَد بَدا مِن وَجهِهِ
حَيَّرَ الأَلبابَ لَمّا أَسفَرا
10. And my infatuation in him - how sweet it is
What happened has happened, and those who know, know
١٠. وَاِفتِضاحي فيهِ ما أَطيَبَهُ
كانَ ما كانَ وَيَدري مَن دَرى
11. O busybodies, how unaware you are
If you knew what has happened to me
١١. أَيُّها الواشونَ ما أَغفَلَكُم
لَو عَلِمتُم ما جَرى لي وَجَرى
12. And you gave relief to my heart
This would be an invented tale
١٢. وَأَذَعتُم عَن فُؤادي سَلوَةً
إِنَّ هَذا لَحَديثٌ مُفتَرى
13. Between my heart and its relief in love
Is like what lies between al-Thurayya and the ground
١٣. بَينَ قَلبي وَسُلُوّي في الهَوى
مِثلُ ما بَينَ الثُرَيّا وَالثَرى