
Good morning, we implored our Lord

صباح خير توسلنا لبارينا

1. Good morning, we implored our Lord
Through our master, the chosen guide

١. صباح خير توسلنا لبارينا
فيه بسيدنا المختار هادينا

2. His care spread in our homelands
And the sun of his light has risen upon us

٢. عمت عناياته صحرا مواطننا
وشمس أنواره قد أشرقت فينا

3. We confessed our sins at his holy threshold without might
And we dedicated our meanings to his meanings

٣. لذنا بأعتابه العليا بلا حول
عنها وصغنا بمعناه معانينا

4. We sought him, the succor for the weak and destitute
My poor homeland, if it thirsts

٤. وقد قصدناه وهو الغوث للدنف ال
مسكين والغي إن تظمأ نواحينا

5. We came to him while fear invaded our hearts in the night
And we knew him as our fulfiller and protector

٥. جئناه والخوف راع القلب طارقه
وقد علمناه كافينا ووافينا

6. We took refuge in his mighty, flawless authority
Undoubtedly, Muhammad, our praised protector

٦. وقد لجأنا لعليا عزه وبلا
شك محمدنا المحمود حامينا

7. We extended our hands to him in awe
So he overwhelmed our appeals with kindness

٧. مدت إليه أيادينا على وجل
منا فاغرق بالإحسان نادينا

8. Though our lands are distant
We are his servants in both worlds, so if

٨. ها نحن جيرانه في كل زاوية
من الوجود وإن تبعد أراضينا

9. We sin, his forgiveness suffices us
If our conscience becomes clouded from desperate hope

٩. ونحن خدامه في العالمين فإن
قمنا بذنب بغفران يكافينا

10. His purpose satisfies us and our goal appeases us
If our hearts wither in the fold of our state

١٠. وإن تكدر منا الفكر عن أمل
صعب بآمالنا والقصد يرضينا

11. A glance with the beauty of circumstance revives us
If all doors are closed before us

١١. وإن يمت قلبنا في طي حالتنا
بنظرة مع حسن الحال يحيينا

12. His mercy revives us with welcome
Diseases have spread among us and remedy is difficult

١٢. وإن رددنا عن الأبواب جملتها
بباه رحمة منه يحيينا

13. But his care heals us
If we distance ourselves from good deeds and

١٣. والداءان عم فينا والشفا عسرت
أسبابه بالتفات منه يشفينا

14. Our cords of deeds to God are cut off, he draws us near
He is affectionate to us and compassionate when

١٤. وإن بعدنا عن الخيرات وانقطعت
حبال أعمالنا للَه يدنينا

15. The noose tightens and enemies unsettle us
He is eager over us if we disgrace

١٥. هو العطوف علينا والرؤوف إذا
ضاق الخناق وراعتنا أعادينا

16. Ourselves, the Lord of mankind is our shepherd
We belong to the threshold of his glory

١٦. هو الحريص علينا إن نذل وحا
شا أن نذل ومولى الخلق راعينا

17. Despite wrongdoing, our shepherd shepherds us
He has surrounded us with grace and God supported us through him

١٧. نحن انتمينا إلى أعتاب عزته
مع الإساءة راعينا يراعينا

18. So he honored our far and near
We won through him and were happy in his love

١٨. أحاط فضلاً بنا واللَه أيدنا
به فاكرم قاصينا ودانينا

19. Since the unseen called us to him, our caller
He is the refuge when the fearful among us fear

١٩. فزنا به وسعدنا في محبته
لما دعانا له بالغيب داعينا

20. We did not fail at his door, and God is our hope
Through him we are protected from the disasters of time and from

٢٠. هو الملاذ إذا ما خاف خائفنا
ما خاب في بابه واللَه راجينا

21. Every calamity, in him God saves us
Our times through him are pleasant, and the days

٢١. نحمي به من ملمات الزمان ومن
كل المصائب فيه اللَه ينجينا

22. Clear for us by his breeze at that time sufficing us
We hope through his sublime state and every

٢٢. أوقاتنا فيه طابت والزمان صفا
لنا بنفحته إذ ذاك كافينا

23. Hand to be white, and through his goodness, to amend the faith
May the God of the throne send blessings upon him for as long as

٢٣. نرجو بدولته العليا وكل يد
بيضا ونصلح في إحسانه الدينا

24. His lights shimmer and illuminate our valleys
And upon his family and the good companions, and those

٢٤. صلى عليه إله العرش ما لمعت
أنواره وزهت فيها بوادينا

25. Who through relation to him became neighborhood nobles
And those who followed them and the loyal

٢٥. وآله والصحاب الطيبين ومن
صاروا بنسبته غرا ميامينا

26. Until the Great Responder responds to our call

٢٦. والتابعين لهم والمخلصين إلى
إن يستجيب العظيم الوهب داعينا