
Though the sons of fishermen have a high status

وإن بني الصياد عال مقامهم

1. Though the sons of fishermen have a high status
And their appearance is revered in every status

١. وإن بني الصياد عال مقامهم
ومظهرهم سام بكل مقام

2. They are the descendants of Al-Azam, may God honor them
And the greatest of them in the house are the Al-Khuzams

٢. سلالة آل عظم اللَه قدرهم
وأعظمهم في البيت آل خزام

3. Professors and notables, and notables are masters
Their care is a gateway to every goal

٣. أساتيذ أعيان وأعيان سادة
عنايتهم باب لكل مرام

4. And leaders of pillars, and pillars are leaders
And most generous of the virtuous, and the best of nobles

٤. وقادة أقطاب وأقطاب قادة
وأكرم أخيار وخير كرام