1. The sultan of life and its master
The shaykh of the assembly, praise him
١. سلطان الحي وسيده
شيخ الديوان واحمده
2. The pole of poles, the imam of the people
Succor of the fearful, his helper
٢. قطب الاقطاب امام القو
م غياث الخائف منجده
3. Overflowing tranquility, Ahmad is the one
Whose union verse is supported
٣. فياض الراحة احمد من
يتلى للوصلة مسنده
4. Protector of the beseecher in an era
That has prevailed over the masters, worship him
٤. حامي المستنجد من زمن
قد ساد السادة اعبده
5. And he has shone openly for some time
From the cave of our guide, his hand
٥. وله مدت تجلى علنا
من حجرة هادينا يده
6. The science of nobility and their unique one
Teacher of existence and its guide
٦. علم الاشراف وواحدهم
استاذ الكون ومرشده
7. If the mother of misery's realm
Then God in his grace will make him prosperous
٧. ان أمّ شقي ساحته
فالله بفضل يسعده
8. Or if the incapable comes to his presence
The affairs of might will support him
٨. او وافى العاجز حضرته
فشؤُن القدرة تعضده
9. Shaykh of rapture and its source
Celestial gnosis and its watering place
٩. شيخ الوجدان ومصدره
فلك العرفان ومورده
10. Whoever kissed the dust of his fence
The shining full moon envies him
١٠. من قبّل ترب حظيرته
فالبدر الساطع يحسده
11. Treasure of supply and its manifestation
Secret of guidance, its smoother
١١. كنز الامداد ومظهره
سر الارشاد مهنده
12. Father of both knowledges, son of the lineage
Chief of the procession, unique in his oneness
١٢. أبو العلمين ابن السب
طين عميد الموكب اوحده
13. The ranks of the poles through him grow
And the planet rises, his scene
١٣. صف الاقطاب به يزدا
ن ويسمو الكوكب مشهده
14. Succor of the two realms, light of the eyes
Imam of the faith, its renewer
١٤. غوث الثقلين ضياء العي
ن امام الدين مجدده
15. He continues with the light of Allah's Messenger
Surpassing the brilliant star, his burial place
١٥. لا زال بنور رسول الل
ه يفوق الفرقد مرقده