1. Leave thoughts aside, and have patience, for time has its calamities
Which pass away, and how often have I said they would disappear
١. دع الفكر واصبر فالزمان صعائبه
تزول وكم قلت بمحو عصائبه
2. If crisis grows more and hardship multiplies
Its misfortunes spread, and disasters become widespread
٢. إذا أزمة زادت وكرب تكاثرت
مصائبه والخطب عمت نوائبه
3. Space grows tight with the shock of destiny’s blow
And for the weak slave its ways grow narrow
٣. وضاق الفضا من صدم نازلة القضا
وضاقت على العبد الضعيف مذاهبه
4. In the doors of the Prophet's children there is hope
For one burdened with care though his kin be far
٤. فأبواب أولاد الرسول بها الرجا
لحامل هم باعدته أقاربه
5. They are the greatest blessing, the aid for humanity
They are the rain, though its clouds are absent
٥. هم النعمة العظمى هم الغوث للورى
هم الغيث لكن لا تغب سحائبه
6. They are the lofty aid, they are the sweet water
That is scented by divine musk for its drinker
٦. هم المدد العالي هم المشرب الذي
تعطر بالمسك الإلهي شاربه
7. They are the noble Kaaba, the veil and purity
They are the sublime sanctuary made mighty by its side
٧. هم الكعبة الغراء والخيف والصفا
هم الحرم السامي الذي عز جانبه
8. They are the rope for seekers in every destination
They are the sea, though its wonders cannot be counted
٨. هم الحبل للطلاب في كل وجهةٍ
هم البحر لكن لا تعد عجائبه
9. They are the bare blade, though its edge is not sheathed
They are treasure, though none are deprived of it
٩. هم العضب لكن ليس يغمد نصله
هم الكنز لكن ليس يحرم طالبه
10. They are the praised star, in earth and sky
They are the horizon though its planets are not dimmed
١٠. هم الكوكب المحمود في الأرض والسما
هم الأفق لكن لا تغيب كواكبه
11. They are the house, home of security, glory and piety
And the unseen soldiers have encircled its sides
١١. هم البيت بيت الأمن والمجد والتقى
وبالعسكر الغيبي حفت جوانبه
12. They are the trustees, knowers of their Lord
And His gifts have spread over them
١٢. هم الأوصياء العارفون بربهم
وبالغيب قد سحت عليهم مواهبه
13. They are the intimates, annexed to their grandfather
And in their home glories and virtues unfold
١٣. هم الأولياء الملحقون بجدهم
وفي بيتهم تطوى وتبدو مناقبه
14. They are the supernal temple in every assembly
Its curiosities recount and narrate its wonders
١٤. هم الهيكل العلوي في كل حضرةٍ
أساليبه تحكي وتروي غرائبه
15. They are the Qaf of nearing God, the Sin of the guidance by which
The battalions of the Prophet were covered in light
١٥. هم قاف قرب اللَه سينا الهدى الذي
تغشت بأنوار النبي كتائبه
16. They are the party, God's party, the party helped
Through which religion lasts, though the weak assail it
١٦. هم الحزب حزب اللَه حزب مؤيد
به الدين دهراً والذليل محاربه
17. They are the standard embellished by the hand of the unseen
In a divine scripture sanctified by its writer
١٧. هم علم جفن طرزته يد الخفا
بخط إلهي تقدس كاتبه
18. They are the lofty standard on the forehead of elevation
And in the depth of the earth its cords took root
١٨. هم العلم السامي على هامة العلا
وفي قعر بحر الأرض حطت ذوائبه
19. They are a hidden, mysterious argument's mount
To the King and Kingdom its results marched
١٩. هم ركب برهان خفي مطلسم
إلى الملك والملكوت سارت نجائبه
20. They are the brilliant moon, the sun and morning glow
They are the dawn, though its darkness was dispelled
٢٠. هم القمر الوضاح والشمس والضحى
هم الفجر لكن عنه زيحت غياهبه
21. They are the soul of the universe, rather the light of its eye
Through them its east and west are ennobled
٢١. هم روح جسم الكون بل نور عينه
تشرف فيهم شرقه ومغاربه
22. I take refuge in them, though woe has wasted my heart
With sadness and burning grief overwhelming it
٢٢. ألوذ بهم والقلب أودى به الضنى
من الهم والغم المقرح غالبه
23. My back is bent by my sin and stumbling
And my strength is twisted by my anguish's ships
٢٣. وظهري قد أوهاه ذنبي وزلتي
وعزمي ملت من كروبي مراكبه
24. The book of my deeds is adorned with mistakes
And its faults have increased beyond counting
٢٤. ودفتر أعمالي تطرز بالخطا
وزادت عن التعداد حصراً شوائبه
25. I have reached an age whose cares are immense
And whose time accompanies no companion
٢٥. وأصبحت في عصر عجيب همومه
كبار ووقت لا يصاحب صاحبه
26. A time in which I am like a stranger to its people
And whoever is not content with it, desiring more
٢٦. زمان كأني فيه من غير أهله
ومين لم يقنع بذلك راغبه
27. My heart is stripped of it, though my troubles
Have confused me since its mold was prosperous
٢٧. تجردت قلباً منه لكن متاعبي
وهت من بنيه حين سعد قالبه
28. Oh my pain from a putrid corpse's care
And my weariness from a doctrine I'm departing
٢٨. فوا ألمي من هم منتن جيفة
ووأتعبي من مذهب أنا ذاهبه
29. Playing with a time that does not end
Futilely, so what game is this?
٢٩. ألاعب دهراً لا انقضاء لحاله
بلا طائل زين فكم ذا ألاعبه
30. My writer deems my deeds and my misfortune
And my shame before my Maker when I address Him
٣٠. ويحسب فعلي كاتبي وامصيبتي
وعيبي من فعل به حار حاسبه
31. Oh children of Zahra, by the sanctity of your grandfather
Aid a slave restricted by his misfortunes
٣١. ويا خجلي من بارئي يوم محشري
وعرضي على مولاي كيف أخاطبه
32. Be generous with compassion and grant him with a breath
Thereby you protect what is best of his faults
٣٢. ألا يا بني الزهرا بحرمة جدكم
أغيثوا عبيداً عوقته مصائبه
33. Say to him, "You are one of us, so do not fear"
For his fears have multiplied from what has shocked him
٣٣. وجودوا بعطف وامنحوه بنفحةٍ
فتلك بها تحمي بخير معائبه
34. You are the firm fortress, and your support is ample
And how many poor have your desires encompassed?
٣٤. وقولوا له ها أنت منا فلا تخف
فقد كثرت مما دهاه رهائبه
35. From the unseen for you is a caller. Are you not your Lord's
Light from God that does not fade in its cords?
٣٥. وأنتم هو الحصن الحصين وجاهكم
عريض وكم عمت فقيراً رغائبه
36. So stand for a weak, humble pauper
Whose loved ones and friends have grown distant
٣٦. لكم من خفا داعي ألست بربكم
من اللَه نور ليس تمحى ثواقبه
37. Upon you is God's peace. How good is your remembrance
To a loving mind. In you the absent is present
٣٧. فقوموا بمسكين ضعيف مشت
تباعد عنه أهله وحبائبه
38. And your attributes are not confined in my heart's tablet
So my heart and its drink have been sweetened through it
٣٨. عليكم سلام اللَه ما طاب ذكركم
لعقل محب فيكم غاب غائبه
٣٩. وما اندرجت في لوح قلبي صفاتكم
فطاب بها قلبي وطابت مشاربه