
The lover's heart is troubled by the beloved

قلب المحب على المحبوب متعوب

1. The lover's heart is troubled by the beloved
Love is Joseph and the obsessed is Jacob

١. قلب المحب على المحبوب متعوب
الحب يوسف والمولوه يعقوب

2. His conscience is aflame with burning embers
And his reason is plundered by passion and yearning

٢. ضميره فيه جمر النار متقد
وعقله للهوى والشوق منهوب

3. And someone asked me, "What is love?" I said to him:
"Patience and calmness in the face of ardor are overpowered"

٣. وقائل قال لي ما الحب قلت له
والصبر وا لوعني للوجد مغلوب

4. O you who ask about the meanings of love, beware
For love is sweet but in it lies torment

٤. يا سائلي عن معاني الحب كن حذارا
الحب عذب ولكن فيه تعذيب