
O Mustafa, O Rahman, O Ahmad

يا مصطفى الرحمن يا أحمد

1. O Mustafa, O Rahman, O Ahmad
Yours are the highest merits, bounties, and gifts

١. يا مصطفى الرحمن يا أحمد
لك العلا والفضل والسودد

2. O Proof of God over His creation
O Source and Provider of all things

٢. يا حجة الله على خلقه
يا من هو المصدر والمورد

3. He who testifies for God, God testifies for him
Muhammad, the creation's lamp of guidance

٣. سر من الله بدا كل من
يشهد لله له يشهد

4. Sun of perfection, the master, the mighty
My treasure, God's beloved, light of guidance

٤. محمد الخلق سراج الهدى
شمس الكمال السيد الايد

5. The Hashimi, the most excellent, the glorious
All the lands hope for his grace

٥. ذخري حبيب الله نور الهدى
الهاشمي الانجب الامجد

6. No day has passed, no tomorrow comes
Except we seek refuge in his shade

٦. كل البرايا ترتجى فضله
ما مر يوم او تولى غد

7. He is the helper, the savior, the rescuer
If a Muslim errs, gently correct him

٧. نلوذ بعد الله في ظله
وهو المغيث المسعف المنجد

8. So he be not miserable, lost, and confused
His Master gave him a vast sanctuary

٨. ان مسلم اخطأ اعتابه
فهو كئيب خاسر مكمد

9. To him flow all kinds of aid
His ever-thronged door is the gate of hope

٩. اعطاه مولاه حمى واسعا
اليه انواع الندى تسند

10. None other in the world is the goal
Alive by God's life in his tomb

١٠. فبابه المعمور باب الرجا
وغيره في الكون لا يقصد

11. He aids through God and comes to the rescue
His eye never sleeps from helping the hopeful

١١. حي لعمر الله في قبره
يسعف بالله وقد ينجد

12. His boundless kindness always keeps watch
If people followed his guidance, they'd succeed

١٢. وعينه عن نصرة المرتجى
احسانه الفياض لا ترقد

13. Or upheld his law, they'd be firm
When his nation followed his path

١٣. لو تبع الناس هداه اهتدوا
او شيدوا شرعته شيدوا

14. Both near and far submitted to it
Light of witnessing, the Chosen One

١٤. مذ تبعت امته نهجه
دان لها الاقرب والابعد

15. Secret of existence, the One, the Most Felicitous
Code of the secret treasure's store

١٥. نور الشهود المصطفى المجتبى
سر الوجود الاوحد الاسعد

16. To God the minds of the wise ascend
Ah! To kiss his threshold

١٦. طلسم كنز السر من بابه
لله ألباب الورى تصعد

17. Would heal my weeping eyes
If his door's dust touched my face

١٧. آه على تقبيل اعتابه
فتربها لمقلتي اثمد

18. My hope, goal, and wish fulfilled
For the brilliant gleam from Taibah

١٨. لو مس وجهي بثرى بابه
وذا هو المأمول والمقصد

19. My heart's eye constantly longs
Hope makes me think I'm near it

١٩. للبارق اللماع من طيبة
مقلة قلبي دائما ترصد

20. When will I see the promise kept?
He solved creation's every woe

٢٠. يعدني الظن بقربي لها
متى اراه ينجز الموعد

21. His dust heals even the blind
Masters, great men I worship

٢١. علة ذرات الورى حلها
فبثراها يبرأ الارمد

22. And Mustafa, protector of the noble master
The prophets, the flowers, his deputies

٢٢. سادات كبار الالى اعبد
والمصطفى حامي الحما السيد

23. Spreading, surrounding, propping his authority
What bounty from a master who shelters

٢٣. والانبياءُ الزهر نوابه
نشرا وطيا ركنه المسند

24. Masters and servants in his shade
God is not mentioned except as

٢٤. انعم به من سيد تحتمي
بظله السادات والاعبد

25. He ordained, called upon, and worshipped
He summed up the people's states in himself

٢٥. لا يذكر الله على غير ما
سن ولا يدعى ولا يعبد

26. And with his overflowing sea covered them
He filled the corners of the world

٢٦. وقد طوى في القوم احواله
وعم فيهم بحره المزبد

27. With his unmatched grace and bounty
The least of his gifts to his servants

٢٧. وملأ الدنيا باطرافها
نواله وفضله الاوحد

28. Are fragrant pearls, rubies, and sapphires
Kings of earth bow low at his door

٢٨. عبيده ادنى عطاياهم
النضار والياقوت والعسجد

29. Their crowns humbly prostrating
Today and tomorrow they hope

٢٩. شوس ملوك الارض في بابه
تيجانها خاشعة تسجد

30. For his generous hand, though he be absent
O Mustafa, created pure by the Maker

٣٠. وترتجى اليوم وبل في غد
منه يدا اذ يرهب المشهد

31. O soul of the cosmos's body, O Ahmad
Your servants tie hope's rope

٣١. يا مصطفى البارىء من خلقه
يا روح جسم الكون يا احمد

32. To none but your threshold, it is not knotted elsewhere
After God, you are their goal

٣٢. دارك عبيدا حبل آماله
بغير اعتابك لا يعقد

33. Asked for, sought for, aimed for
God's blessing on you, until what was

٣٣. وانت بعد الله مقصوده
تسأل بل تطلب بل تقصد

34. Darkness from Time's weave turned white
And on your family, your Companions, and those

٣٤. صلى عليك الله ما ابيض
تلاه من طرز الدجى اسود

35. You stretched out your hand to help

٣٥. والآل ابنائك والصحب وال
غوث الذي مدت اليه اليد