1. People of Baghdad, O God, how far they have come
A lifeline for the disconnected, people of Baghdad
١. قوم ببغداد يا اللَه كم وصلوا
حبلاً لمنقطع قوم ببغداد
2. Among them are those whose tents are in Samarra
And among them is the fragrance of the club
٢. ومنهم من بسامرا خيامهم
وفي الغري ففيهم عطر النادي
3. Among them are those who illuminated Karbala
Their virtues spread among settled and nomad
٣. ومنهم من إضاءت كربلا بهم
وفضلهم عم بادي الناس والغادي
4. Among them are those from Tawus who wore
The collar of time and lit the fires of tradition
٤. ومنهم من بطوس طوقوا مننا
طوق الزمان وقدوا وصلة العادي
5. Their origin is from Bat'ha, Yathrib, they raised
A minaret of guidance, honored in valley and desert
٥. وأصلهم من ببطحا يثرب رفعوا
منار هدى وفيهم شرف الوادي
6. What excellent branches to those great roots belong
Its title is pure through the Master Guide
٦. نعم الفروع إلى تلك الأصول نحت
فطاب عنوانها بالسيد الهادي
7. A great grandfather, he is the great origin for you
Of all creation, absent yet ever present
٧. جد عظيم هو الأصل العظيم لك
ل الكون من غائب في الخق أوبادي
8. And the Gharib Sayyids, the Prophet's family
A party from him which has guided us with counsel
٨. والسادة الغر أهل البيت عترته
عصابة منه حفتنا بإرشاد
9. They succeeded, achieving glory and great station
Through religion, fathers and forefathers
٩. تسلسلوا فعلوا مجداً ومنزلةً
عظمى بدين وآباء وأجداد