
I have in the valleys of the two live coals a gazelle

لي في بوادي الرقمتين غزال

1. I have in the valleys of the two live coals a gazelle
Who assaulted me for whose sake tribulations attacked me

١. لي في بوادي الرقمتين غزال
هجمت عليّ لاجله العذال

2. And I was ruined when the fire kindled in my ribs
And the teardrops flowed copiously from my eyes

٢. وفنيت اذ نار تأج باضلعي
والعين يدفق دمعها السيال

3. And the distance tore my inner parts with its arrows
Oh, how many arrows loosened from distance pierce

٣. والبعد مزق مهجتي بنصاله
يا ما يسل من البعاد نصال

4. And harder than this and heavier in weight
A heart in which hopes play

٤. واشد من هذا واثقل وطأة
قلب به تتلاعب الآمال

5. Claiming the meeting and going observing its time
While for it and mixing with claims absurdities

٥. زعم اللقاء وراح يرقب وقته
ولها ويمزج بالزعوم محال

6. Oh gazelles of the valley of the two live coals while you
Are covered in the splendor of beauty and glory

٦. اغزال وادي الرقمتين وانت قد
غشاك من لطف الجمال جلال

7. Be gentle with the scorched heart its inclination
Has made it sit from the heavy wishes

٧. رفقا بمحروق الفؤاد موله
قد اقعدته من النوى الاثقال

8. You have shaken it with intense passion for you from
Its parts diverse states and conditions

٨. هزته بالوجد الملح اليك من
اجزائه الاطوار والاحوال

9. So whenever you are remembered it is as if the earth of his heart
Quivers all of it with yearning like an earthquake

٩. فمتى ذكرت كأن ارض فؤاده
للشوق يرجف كلها زلزال

10. The young ones cry for your face enamored
And for its people the abandoned ruins lament

١٠. يبكي الطلول لاجل وجهك مغرما
ولأهلها قد تندب الاطلال

11. And perhaps lightning in Ghuwayr aroused me
For the feverish and for every state is a state

١١. ولرب برق بالغوير اثارني
لذوي الحمى ولكل حال حال

12. Yearning insists and sigh never extinguished
And smoldering which has hit the proverbs

١٢. شوق يلح وزفرة لا تنطفي
وصبابة ضربت بها الامثال

13. There did not remain for me a limb and mixed with it
Is for you arrows that pierce from it

١٣. لم يبق لي عضو ولم يمزج به
وله عليك تغز منه نبال

14. You have tried me and your opinion has conquered me
He who is misguided by his opinion errs

١٤. حاولتني واحتلت رأيك قطعتي
ولقد يضل برأيه المحتال

15. Take what appears to you of your delusions and judge
Or are not these occurrences mere shadows

١٥. خذ ما بدا لك من زعومك واحتكم
او ليس هذي الحادثات ظلال