
I set out with the pillow of my secret

اطلت بالوجنا السرى فمدارها

1. I set out with the pillow of my secret
And descended into a feverish love for her abode

١. اطلت بالوجنا السرى فمدارها
وانزل حمى مي وقف بدارها

2. And I recall traits I have longed for
Your soul emanates fragrances that captivate people

٢. واذكر رسوماً طالما تشقت
روحك نشر البشر من معطارها

3. As if the moons on their parchments
Were woven and musk was in their dust

٣. كأنما الاقمار في رقاعها
منسوجة والمسك في غبارها

4. Yes, where is musk compared to her soil?
And the radiance of the moons to her moons?

٤. بلى واين المسك من ترابها
ولمعة الاقمار من اقمارها

5. Her trees are minds, silently growing
Subtleties of knowledge as their fruits

٥. اشجارها العقول وهي لا خفا
دقائق العلوم من اثمارها

6. Clearing the motes in eyes with their brilliance
And gladdening hearts with their greenery

٦. تجلو قذى العيون بانبلاجها
وتشرح الصدور باخضرارها

7. The garden of understanding grows in her thickets
So the patterns are tied into her flowers

٧. نبات روض الفهم في غياضها
فمعقد الطرز على ازهارها

8. And if you contemplate the streams of the unseen
They are brooks glorifying in her rivers

٨. وواردات الغيب لو فكرتها
جداول تسبح في انهارها

9. Dazzling is her splendor, you'd think
The new moons were crowned by her freshness

٩. مفضض فضاؤها تخاله
متوج الهامات من نضارها

10. From every valley shone its depths
The voice of charm from her birds

١٠. من كل واد اشرقت قيعانه
ورق صوت اللطف من اطيارها

11. Those birds took form prostrating
Ruby adorns their beaks

١١. تجسمت تلك الطيور عسجداً
ورصع الياقوت في منقارها

12. As if hearts were part of her ranks
Birds nestling in their burrows

١٢. كانما القلوب بعض صفها
طائرة تأوي الى اوكارها

13. By God, the depths of my love for her
Are a pyre aflame with its fires

١٣. الله من قيعان مي انها
لجنة محرقة بنارها

14. O rider of passions, if you alight
And the sun surprises you on its course

١٤. يا راكب الوجناء ان نزلتها
وفاجأتك الشمس من مدارها

15. Then reason with it, for she has
A gazelle fearful of being startled

١٥. فاعقل لها الفؤاد ان عندها
غزالة يخاف من نفارها

16. It's inevitable for the lover that he never
Turns his conscience to others, even one day

١٦. آلت على المحب ان لا يلتوي
ضميره يوما إلى اغيارها

17. She tied the hearts' love, all of them
United minds knotted in her bonds

١٧. وعقدت حب قلوب كلها
معقودة العقول في ازرارها

18. She ruled her lofty throne
And her troops of beauty became her guard

١٨. تسلطنت على رفيع عرشها
وصار جيش الحسن من امارها

19. She exerted her command in both horizons
And the heart of time was awed by her dangers

١٩. وانفذت في الخافقين امرها
وهاب قلب الدهر من اخطارها

20. As if the Raefa'i saint was her sheikh
And his mysterious being her supporter

٢٠. كانما الغوث الرفاعي شيخها
وسره الفعال من انصارها

21. The signs of his guidance defeated
The gang of misguidance by persisting

٢١. امام هدي اعجزت آياته
عصابة الضلال باستمرارها

22. Recited on the minbars of supremacy though
The light of nearness gleams in her news

٢٢. تتلى على منابر العلا وقد
يلمع نور القرب من اخبارها

23. Circling her, gnosis is duty-bound even for
The lowliest and greatest of people

٢٣. تطوف منها تجب العرفان في
اصاغر القوم وفي كبارها

24. And the righteous overflow with her abundance
Whether absent or present among her

٢٤. ويستفيض الصالحون فيضها
من غيب الرجال او حضارها

25. To God belongs that master of resolve
Whose seas of conquest surge with foam

٢٥. لله منه سيد ذو همة
تجري بحور الفتح من زخارها

26. Observing his followers with his determination
And undertaking the ultimate goal insistently

٢٦. ملاحظ اتباعه بعزمه
وآخذ مدى المدى يثارها

27. And cutting the cord of enmity with a blow
Revealing wondrous fatality in his sharpness

٢٧. وقاطع حبل العدى بصدمة
يبدو عجيب الفتك من بتارها

28. His conduct filled the tablets of the unseen
The pages of existence summarized in her

٢٨. سيرته لوح الغيوب امتلأت
صحائف الكون من اختصارها

29. The masters of the party of saints sought refuge in him
So he poured hearts into his molds

٢٩. لاذت به سادات حزب الاوليا
فافرغ القلوب في اطوارها

30. Her poles clung to his tail
And his secret circulated among her greatest

٣٠. تشبثت اقطابها بذيله
وسره سرى الى كبارها

31. Her notables kept to his sanctuary
So he protected them from disgrace through his merit

٣١. ولازمت اعيانها رحابه
فصانها بالفضل من عثارها

32. And how many nights in her plain
The lion prowled round its shortness

٣٢. وكم ليال قطعت بسوحه
طواله ضن على قصارها

33. The lion of the jungle crouches at his door
And the lamb reclines on her wall

٣٣. تربض اسد الغاب في اعتابه
وتطرح الحمل على جدارها

34. He followed, guided by his father Mustafa’s wisdom,
With wisdom beyond any match

٣٤. ناب برشد عن ابيه المصطفى
بحكمة يعجز عن اصدارها

35. And from him came guidance’s downpour in
Reviving our land both far and near

٣٥. فسار منه وارد الارشاد في
انجاد ارضنا وف ياغوارها

36. For him the best of soils after his fathers
The prime leaders of creation, her finest

٣٦. له اصح الارض عن آبائه
سادات قادات الورى خيارها

37. For him the white hand that extended to him
The hand of God’s Messenger from his tomb

٣٧. له اليد البيضا التي مدت لها
يد رسول الله من مزارها

38. The chamber split in reverence for him
And the veiled was uncovered from its cloak

٣٨. وانشقت الحجرة اعزازاً له
وانكشف المسدول من ستارها

39. And the pleasure of his merit engulfed it
And its abundant favor drowned it

٣٩. وعمه فيض الرضا من فضلها
واغرقته من ندا بحارها

40. So good fortune came to him through its acceptance
And eternity through its vestiges

٤٠. فحوزه الاقبال من قبولها
وطوله الاثير من آثارها

41. He was blessed through the greatest Hashimite
His noble self the shield of her neighbor

٤١. انعم به من هاشميّ اعظم
حضرته الفلاح درع جارها

42. He made him apparent with her first glance
When all the age's powers were concealed

٤٢. اظهره بارؤها بدولة
كل قوى الزمان عن اضمارها

43. For God’s sake strive, my master, with a look
To obtain openings through her glances

٤٣. بالله جد يا سيدي بنظرة
اقتبس الفتوح من انظارها

44. Join with affection—my soul is pledged, for it
Has burdened me, my lord, apart from your presence

٤٤. وصل حنانا قطع نفسي انها
قد كلفت يا جد من لوزارها

45. You in this house are sheikh of the faction
Whose great ones incline toward their small

٤٥. فانت في ذا البيت شيخ عصبة
كبارها تحنو الى صغارها

46. Upon you still descend the dews of pleasure
Pouring with love from her cisterns

٤٦. عليك ما زالت ميازيب الرضا
ثجود بالهتان من مدرارها

47. And Abdul Qadir the Gilani, sheikh of
Sheikhs, the famous gnostic lion

٤٧. وعبد القادر الجيلي شيخ ال
شيوخ العارف الاسد الشهير

48. And Sami the high-minded Bedouin, my generation’s treasure
Father of chivalrous youths, the zealous guardian

٤٨. وسامي الهمة البدوي ذخري
ابو الفتيان ضيغمها الغيور

49. And Jehjah the protector, the Qutb of Desouk
Far-reaching, valiant, and formidable

٤٩. وجحجاح الحمى القطب الدسوقي
بعيد الغاية القرم الخطير

50. They four in the people are cycles
Through them confused matters are illuminated

٥٠. هم في القوم اربعة بدور
بهم بدجا الملمة نستنير

51. The mystics' breasts without dispute
And all the people of God are breasts

٥١. صدور الاولياء بلا نزاع
واهل الله كلهم صدور