
At your door, O Messenger of Allah, I have come

ببابك يا رسول الله حطت

1. At your door, O Messenger of Allah, I have come
Your servant has a need, so grant it the best fulfillment

١. ببابك يا رسول اللَه حطت
لعبدك حاجة فأحسن قضاها

2. For at the thresholds of your glory is all good
And I have no hope of obtaining it from other than you

٢. ففي عتبات عزك كل خير
ولا أمل يحصل من سواها

3. You have unlocked for all success an open door
You are the Messenger of the Lord of mankind, Taha

٣. ونفت لكل نجح باب فتح
وأنت رسول مولى الخلق طه