
Our Sultan Abdul Hamid who

سلطاننا عبد الحميد الذي

1. Our Sultan Abdul Hamid who
His splendor fills the pulpit and altar

١. سلطاننا عبد الحميد الذي
زهابه المحراب والمنبر

2. God's Caliph over His creation
He who builds the meaning of civilization

٢. خليفة الله على خلقه
مظهر معني انما يعمر

3. Above the minaret of truth when it was built
Its sanctuary helps the greatest savior of mankind

٣. اعلى منار الحق يوم ابتنى
رحابه غوث الورى الاكبر

4. The grandson of Al-Hussein, son of Al-Rifa'i, from
His secrets in the universe cannot be denied

٤. شبل الحسين ابن الرفاعي من
أسراره في الكون لا تنكر

5. Ahmad whom his grandfather singled out
With the comfort of his shining lights

٥. احمد من قد خصه جده
براحة انوارها تزهر

6. I salute the King of Life, his
Banners of victory however spread

٦. احي به الحي مليك له
الوية النصر مدى تنشر

7. Abu Al-Huda said in his chronicle
Long live the glorious Al-Rifa'i

٧. ابو الهدى قال بتاريخه
حي الرفاعي مشرق انور