1. The eyes have no mercy on hearts
They are an affliction, and their coolness is seduction
١. ما للقلوب من العيون امان
هي محنة وفتورها فتان
2. They leave the lover their prisoner, yet how often do we see
One whose eyelids have destroyed him
٢. تدع الهزبر اسيرها ولكم نرى
من ضيغم فتكت به الاجفان
3. O you whose kohl-lined eyes are cruel, have mercy on one
Who is bewildered by your rejection and intent
٣. يا صاحب الطرف الكحيل ارفق بمن
هو من صدودك والنوى حيران
4. You have pierced him with the arrows of your eyes, so he set forth
Wounded, with fires in his heart
٤. رصعته بنبال طرفك فانبرى
مضنى وفي احشائه نيران
5. He weeps and his passion leaves him distraught, so his heart
Is in anguish, utterly woeful
٥. يبكي ويذهله الغرام فقلبه
في لوعة وجميعه اشجان
6. His doom has been sealed by your abandonment, and passion
Is difficult, and the days of separation, harsh
٦. قامت قيامته لهجرك والهوى
صعب وايام البعاد خشان
7. O you who dwell in the heart of passion, and in hearts
Are like them, though people reside in them
٧. يا ساكنا قلب الولوه وفي القلو
ب كشأنها ومرامها السكان
8. I have a suppressed longing for you, while for you
In my conscience, beyond conscience, there is loyalty
٨. لي أي وحقك لهفة مطوية
لك في الضمير عن الضمير تصان
9. So when you are remembered, my eyes are my hearing
And when you appear, my body is human
٩. فاذا ذكرت فكل عيني مسمع
واذا برزت فقالبي انسان
10. And know that when you are absent, you are present
In secret - you have no place but that
١٠. واعلم بانك اين غبت فحاضر
في السر مالك من سواه مكان
11. You have taught me the science of passion and made me
Erased, impossible to trace
١١. علمتني علم الهوى وجعلتني
محوا محال طرازه امكان
12. I complain to you, and of you I complain, so save me
From a fire whose fuel is impassioned tears
١٢. اشكو اليك ومنك اشكو فاكفني
نارا صلاها المدمع الهتان
13. By your life, a dancer in a flowering meadow
Swayed all its branches
١٣. ولرب راقصة بروض مزهر
مالت بكل فجاجه الاغصان
14. She sang, so my innermost being melted when she pulled
And provoked my fervor and tenderness
١٤. غنت فحنت مهجتي لما شدت
واثار وجدي البارق الحنان
15. And a dove in the basin cooed, so my heart curled up
And my pearl-like tears sculpted
١٥. وحمامة في الدوح ناحت فالتوى
قلبي ونحت ودمعي المرجان
16. I shared when I had no comrade
And imitated the grieving when I had no sorrows
١٦. شاركت خالية ولم اك خاليا
وتبعت نائحة وبي احزان
17. Woe to me from the pains that have troubled
A heart whose company are its neighbors
١٧. ويلاه من آلام فقد مزعج
اضنى فؤادا روحه الجيران
18. You have departed, my neighbors, and your dwelling is distant
And the lands and homes are far apart
١٨. جرتم اجيراني وشط مزاركم
وتباعد الاحياء والاوطان
19. By your lives, will you not join together one
Who loves you sincerely with goodness?
١٩. بحياتكم هل لا وصلتم حبل من
هو في الهوى لمديحكم حسان
20. Your Salman is he, and love bears witness
And for every house there is a resemblance to Salman
٢٠. سلمانكم هو والمحبة شاهد
ولكل بيت شبهه سلمان
21. He left existence for your sake, so his existence
Has saddened and impassioned his heart
٢١. ترك الوجود لاجلكم فوجوده
فقد وحشو فؤاده وجدان
22. Alas! He erred and forgot, so you rebuked him -
Should mistakes and forgetfulness be recorded?
٢٢. اهفا واخطأ ناسيا فصددتمو
هل يكتب الهفوات والنسيان
23. Your beauty and majesty are unique
In passion for you the reins are loosened
٢٣. وجمالكم وجلالكم هو مفرد
بغرامكم ما فل منه عنان
24. In loving you he is the fabric of his time
Yet still deficient, however he is
٢٤. هو في محبتكم نسيج زمانه
فذ وان هو كله نقصان
25. How many claim falsely to love sincerely
And babble lengthily of their claim with their tongues
٢٥. كم يدعي صدق المحبة كاذب
ويطول منه بما ادعاه لسان
26. But when tested, their deceit is exposed
As is their falsehood and calumny
٢٦. ومتى المحك جرى عليه تحققت
ازغاله والزور والبهتان
27. Averse is the passion of one who claims sincerely
While concealing, my brother, and exposing hypocrisy
٢٧. خالف هوى من راح يزعم في الهوى
صدقا اخيّ ويفضح الكتمان
28. The sincere, honorable ones have gone, departed
And times and manners differ
٢٨. راح الكرام الصادقون وقد مضوا
وتخالف الاطوار والازمان
29. Is mockery - the universes have laughed at them
Men pass by indulging vain fantasies
٢٩. ها نحن في زمن شؤن رجاله
حرباؤُها ضحكت لها الاكوان
30. That so-and-so's way is this, and so-and-so's that
The good ones have departed, and we live among
٣٠. تمضي الرجال على خيال ذعومها
وكذا فلان شأنه وفلان
31. A people who, when called to righteousness, betray
Few are those who, when adversity shook them
٣١. ذهبت قفول الخيرين ونحن في
قوم متى صدعوا بحال خانوا
32. Defended you out of love, with their souls, and supported you
This is the time, and these are the ways of those
٣٢. قلّ الذين اذا الملمة ازعجت
حرسوك حبا بالنفوس وصانوا
33. Who are its people - they are its symbol
So restrain your passion for love, and turn
٣٣. هذا الزمان وهذه اطوار من
هم اهله وهمو له عنوان
34. Away from others, O you who submit
For in the hearts of its men, love
٣٤. فالفت عنانك للمحبة والتفت
عن غيره يا من له اذعان
35. Is a magnificent tree, with an artisan
It gives everything its due share of life
٣٥. ان المحبة في قلوب رجالها
لطرازها شجر لها فنان
36. And its system is the balance for reformers
A meaning through which the scales are lightened, and a subtlety
٣٦. تعطي لعمرك كل شيء حقه
ونظامها لأولي النهى ميزان
37. Which is for intellects, whose ways are methodical
And by its symbol, a hidden, obscure mystery
٣٧. معنى تخف به الرجاح ونكتة
هي للعقول وطورها ديوان
38. That has perplexed minds and thoughts
Leave those who are ignorant of love or hostile
٣٨. وبرمزها سر خفي غامض
حارت به الالباب والاذهان
39. To its creed - both have failed
And act by the law of the towering ambitions heart
٣٩. دع عنك من جهل المحبة او بغى
في دينها فكلاهما خسران
40. For it is manliness whose origin is faith
And if you are visited by evil suggestions in the night
٤٠. واعمل بشرع الب شامخ همة
فهي المرؤة اصلها الايمان
41. Discard them, for they are injustice and transgression
Be generous, and do not be mean
٤١. واذا دهاك من الوساوس طارق
فاطرحه فهو الظلم والعدوان
42. The work of a generous man is founded on benevolence
And abstain from claiming permanence, and sleep - for what
٤٢. وكن الكريم ولا تكن ذا خسة
عمل الكريم قوامه الاحسان
43. In the house other than the Almighty Judge?
٤٣. وتنح عن زعم البقاء ونم فما
في الدار الا القاهر الديان