
He denied union and resorted to separation

منع الوصال ولج بالهجر

1. He denied union and resorted to separation
And prolonged my torment with it from the beginning

١. منع الوصال ولج بالهجر
وأطال تعذيبي به بدري

2. And harmed my body with distance when
Existence has been granted and my patience has betrayed me

٢. واضر جسمي بالبعاد وقد
نحل الوجود وخانني صبري

3. He hurt my strength and look how I hurt him
Unknown to him

٣. آذى قواي وها اذيته
تسري له من حيث لا يدري

4. I swear by the verses of remembrance, and by what
Is in the remembrance from an oath to the Owner of the cave

٤. قسما بآي الذكر ثم بما
في الذكر من قسم لذي حجر

5. I do not love anyone but him, how can I
Ever replace him and forget him in my life

٥. انا لا احب سواه كيف عدا
ابدا ولا اسلوه في عمري

6. And my love for him lies hidden in my heart
Until I become a trust in the grave

٦. وغرامه في القلب مستتر
حتى اصير وديعة القبر

7. How often I turned away from him outwardly, but he has
Great passion from me secretly

٧. كم ملت عنه بظاهري وله
مني عظيم الوجد في سري

8. And I left him verbally, but I will never have
A heart that turns him away

٨. وتركته لفظا ولي ابدا
قلب يقلبه على الجمر

9. Verily love in the heart has
The tears of the lover flowing continuously

٩. ان المحبة في الفؤاد لها
دمع المحب مسلسلا يجري

10. But the system of reason necessitates that
Outwardly, separation is reciprocated with separation

١٠. لكن نظام العقل يلزم ان
جهرا يجازى الهجر بالهجر