
My excuse, from a heart that has become infatuated and obsessed

عذيري من قلب لقد هام هائمه

1. My excuse, from a heart that has become infatuated and obsessed
I have made my passion apparent, yet I conceal it at times

١. عذيري من قلب لقد هام هائمه
اجاهره طور الهوى واكاتمه

2. Tomorrow, like a butterfly provoked to anger
With the agony of passion swarming over it

٢. غدا كفراش مستفز الى الغضا
عليها بآه الوجد قد حام حائمه

3. And a love that has given time its dues and ended it
Yet it claims that time will make peace with it

٣. وحب نأى اعطى الزمان ومامه
على زعمه ان الزمان يسالمه

4. But it has broken its pact and oath, betraying them
Not knowing that God will dispute with it over this

٤. وقد نقض المثياق والعهد ناكثا
ولم يدر ان الله عن ذا يخاصمه

5. No oath-breaker attains hopes
Even if its pillars reached the roof of the sky

٥. ولم يبلغ الآمال خائن ذمة
ولو طرقت سطح السماء دعائمه

6. And many a bold man who fought God in the forefront
His beginnings were victory but his endings were disgrace

٦. ورب جريءٍ حارب الله مقدم
اوائله نصر وخزي خواتمه

7. The start of his affair reveals the end of his matter
For all aspects of him the signs become apparent

٧. بدايته تبدي نهاية امره
اجل كل شيء منه تبدو علائمه

8. Glory in this life is no true glory once it passes
Caprice is its brother, and rightfulness breaks it

٨. وما العز في الدنيا بعز اذا مضى
اخو الطيش والاخرى بها الحق قاصمه

9. God does not let a pure intention be lost
Even if a lifetime of sins fills its record

٩. وليس يضيع الله طاهر نية
ولو ملأت بر البرايا جرائمه

10. One pure of heart remains so and does not change
Though people's acts of piety come and go for him

١٠. وان سليم القلب يمسي ولم يزل
وللناس فعل البر طورا يلازمه

11. One whose heart has blackened though his clothes are white
His resolves set only to harm people

١١. وابيض اثواب قد اسود قلبه
تشب لاضرار الانام عزائمه

12. He sees deceit as religion and treachery as creed
Indeed, his state has become ruined by God

١٢. يرى المكر دينا والخيانة ديدنا
لقد ساء فالا شأنه الله هادمه

13. So say, surrender to the beloved who has folded
Over deceit an armor that cannot be made whole

١٣. فقولي اسلمي للحبيب الذي طوى
على المكر درعا ليس يسلم سالمه

14. I am, for the glory of the virtuous, from Hashim's house
And no house of pride among Arabs is like Hashim

١٤. واني لعمرو المجد من بيت هاشم
وماذل بيت عزفي العرب هاشمه

15. He is foremost in the chest of the glorious upon it
For she weaned it from a sip of any disgrace, Fatima

١٥. تصدر في صدر المعالي عليه
وقد فطمت عن جرعة الغي فاطمه

16. And her Hussein perfected the signs of steadfastness
While her Ja'far was the sun of knowledge, and her Kazim

١٦. واكمل آيات الثبات حسينه
وجعفره شمس العلوم وكاظمه

17. And the Abbasid raised his glory on high
And by his hunt, the composer of virtues ensnared them

١٧. وقد رفع الغوث الرفاعي مجده
وبالصيد صياد المفاخر ناظمه

18. And the descendants of Khazam - for the Khazamis are their perfume -
Their glory is told, and musk is pressed to conclude it

١٨. وآل خزام فالخزامى عبيرها
حكى مجدهم والمسك بالند خاتمه

19. They are my people, and men are mines
And no fool's whim can diminish my glory that rivals it

١٩. اولئك قومي والرجال معادن
وما ضر مجدي طيش حب يزاحمه

20. I love him, and distance, coldness, and disdain suffice
You drew the decree of estrangement - you are its drawer

٢٠. احباه يكفي الصد والبعد والجفا
ومرسوم هجر انت بالهجر راسمه

21. In place of the caprices of rejection, show mercy
For God shall have mercy upon the merciful

٢١. وبدل افانين الصدود برحمة
فراحم اهل الحاجة الله راحمه