1. My sins have blinded the eye of my heart and my mold
So the slanderer attacked me and spoke against me
١. ذنوبي أعمت عين قلبي وقالبي
لذاك سطا الواشي علي وقال بي
2. But no matter how much my sins have grown
And my demands increased due to excessive mistakes
٢. ولكنني مهما ذنوبي تعاظمت
وعزت لإفراط الخطايا مطالبي
3. I take refuge in the thresholds of the Messenger through whom
Luey ibn Ghalib was honored at Al-Bat'ha
٣. ألوذ بأعتاب الرسول الذي به
تشرف في البطحا لؤي بن غالب