1. Kill the enemies, O Hind of envy
And with the disease of hatred they died of sorrow
١. قتل الاعداء يا هند الحسد
وبداء الحقد ماتوا عن كمد
2. They thought they had overcome God
Wretched, no one can overcome God
٢. غالبوا الله بزعم خائب
خسئوا لن يغلب الله أحد
3. How much they wanted to sever love by slander
But my love for God's rope has not been severed by adversity
٣. كم أراد بالتجري قطع حب
بلي وحبل الله لم يقطعه شد
4. They blew to extinguish my light
But my Master made my light shine brighter
٤. نفخوا كي يطفئوا نوري فاء
طاه مولاي ضياء فاتقد
5. They wanted to destroy my glory
But by God's hand they remain in sorrow
٥. وارادوا هدم مجدي فعلا
بيد الله وظلوا بالنكد
6. They vented their anger and parted in disgrace
All bound by a tight rope around their necks
٦. محقوا غيظا وراحوا شيعا
كلهم في جيده حبل مسد
7. The philosophy of their sorcerer has failed
Speaking nonsense, plotting in secret
٧. قام عن فلسفة ساحرهم
مبرما ينفث مكرا في العقد
8. So he was condemned in disgrace to the place
Where she had pitched her tent, O Labid
٨. فقضى بالخزي مطموسا إلى
حيث القت رحلها ام لبد
9. They fought God and arrogantly tried
To depose the Highest with their corrupt belief
٩. حاربوا الله وراموا عنوة
وضع من اعلاه بئس المعتقد
10. God helps His servant
With divine splendor that never dims and endless soldiers
١٠. ينصر الله تعالى عبده
بالتجلي لا يجيش وعدد
11. And humiliates the enemy in His glory
So that he sees his body destroyed
١١. ويذل الخصم في عزته
فيرى بالحال ممحوق الجسد
12. Such is the help of our Master to one
Who has purified his inner secret and on God relies
١٢. هكذا نصرة مولانا لمن
طهر السر ولله استند
13. Rejoice O Hind that I am a man
Pure of heart, relying on God
١٣. فاطربى يا هند اني رجل
خالص القلب على الله اعتمد
14. My face turned to Him alone
Apart from all others, standing or sitting
١٤. وجه الوجه له منقطعا
عن سواه قام زعما او قعد
15. And I seek protection in Al-Mustafa the Hashimi
Master of all worlds, lamp of guidance
١٥. واحتمي بالهاشمي المصطفى
سيد الاكوان مصباح الرشد
16. And I belong to the son of Al-Rifa'i
Whose noble grandfather stretched out his generous hand
١٦. وانتمى لابن الرفاعي الذي
جده مد له اكرم يد
17. He saw no effect but from Him
Who spread out the earth over still waters
١٧. لم ير التاثير الا للذي
بسط الأرض على ماء جمد
18. And he saw the glory of helping hands
That brings a servant to eternal honor
١٨. ويرى جاه التهامي يدا
توصل العبد الى عز الابد
19. And he saw the Sheikh Al-Arija as an example
Connected to the Messenger of God in lineage
١٩. ويرى شيخ العريجا قدوة
برسول الله موصول السند
20. His lofty station is my eternal refuge
For the father protects his son
٢٠. جاهه العالي ملاذي ابدا
انما الوالد يحمي للولد
21. The eye mocks the lions of evil
After the zeal of that lion descended
٢١. تهزأ العين بآساد الشرى
بعد ان حلت حمى ذاك الاسد
22. How many great feats he has
How many knots, by God's leave, he has untied
٢٢. كم له من همة فعالة
كم باذن الله حلت من عقد
23. The people of God reply when addressed
O Rifa'i, O Abu Al-Arija, help!
٢٣. ورد اهل الله ان خطب دها
يا رفاعي يا ابا العرجا المدد