1. Keep your harsh aloofness from me even if doing so hurts me,
And raise the discussion of separation above what's between us.
١. الزَم جفاءك لي ولو فيه الضَّنا
وارفع حديثَ البين عَمّا بيننا
2. For the venom of your estrangement in its aggressions and harm
While the breeze of your connection in its gentleness is wished for.
٢. فسمومُ هجرِكَ في هواجرِه والأذى
ونسيمُ وَصلِكَ في أصائِله المُنى
3. Fickleness is not a sign of pleasure,
But when a lover becomes fickle, so does the loved one.
٣. ليسَ التلوُن من امارات الرضا
لكن إذا مَلَّ الحبيبُ تَلَوَّنا
4. You show excellence in estrangement if you wish to show excellence.
Why is it, when I implore your opinion, you attribute to me
٤. تُبدي الاسادة في التيقُّظِ عامداً
وأراك تُحسِنُ في الكرى أن تُحسِنا
5. A new fault, now from here, now from over there?
I praise you but gain no favor,
٥. ما لي إذا استعطفتُ رأيك رمتَ لي
عيباً جديداً من هناك ومن هنا
6. Strange - I make excuses to you yet we have not sinned.
Nothing has led to this discourse but my expatriation,
٦. مُثنِ عليك وما استفاد رغيبةً
عجبٌ ومعتذرٌ اليك وماجنا
7. And expatriation has brought the most debasing disgrace.
The most auspicious lands, though spacious,
٧. ما جرَّ هذا الخطب غير تَغَرُّبي
ومن التغرُّب ما أذلّ وأهونا
8. Where livelihood was secure in them were not tranquil.
Livelihood has many forms, and that which you obtain
٨. أزكى بقاع الأرض وهي فسيحةٌ
ما كان سِربُ العيش فيها آمنا
9. Devoid of troubles, is the sweetest honeycombed.
Fate does not reveal the mysteries of its affairs
٩. والرزقُ أنواعٌ فما صادفتَهُ
أخَلى من التبعات أحلَى مُجتَنى
10. Except to the poor man after wealth.
Keep company with men, for the endeavor of a man
١٠. والدهرُ لا يفشي غوامضَ سِرِّهِ
إِلاّ الى ذي الفقر من بعد الغنى
11. Who kept company with men was not disappointed.
Do not be fooled by those whose hearts forbid
١١. أدمِن مُصاحبةَ الرجال فلم يخب
سعي امرىءٍ صحب الرجال فأِّدمَنا
12. Though they make peace, and tongues that give.
The free man is lowest when he moves away,
١٢. لا تغرّر بالمانعين قلوبَهم
إن سالموا والمانحين الألسنا
13. While the scoundrel is farthest when he comes near.
And if you do not attain hopes by struggling,
١٣. الحرُّ أدنى ما يكون اذا نأى
والوغد أنأى ما يكون أذا دنا
14. Then slacken the reins and go, and you will attain them speedily.
The authority of events has chained, so discharge at it
١٤. وإذا الأماني لم تنلها مُعرِقاً
فاثن العنان وسر تَنَلها مُعمِنا
15. With the aid of authority, until it yields.
A king whom the orbit of the heavens adorned,
١٥. أوصالَ سلطانُ الحوادث فارمِهِ
بمؤيد السلطان حتى يذعنا
16. If it were by his majesty in place of the stars embellished.
He has grown accustomed to elevation, nearly refusing any robe
١٦. مَلِكٌ مُنى فلك السماء لو انّهن
بجلاله بدل الكواكب زُيِّنا
17. Except praise, any garment except splendor.
After finding refuge in his shade I asked about him,
١٧. ألِفَ العُلوَّ فكاد يأبى حُلّةً
إِلا السناء وحِلّة الاّ السَّنا
18. So he said to me the clear statement:
١٨. سائلتُ بعد اللائذين بظلِّه
عَنهُ فقال لي المقال البيِّنا