
Spring has arrived and the abundant rain poured down,

جاء الربيع وبحرك الفياض

1. Spring has arrived and the abundant rain poured down,
So the barren earth became meadows and fields.

١. جاء الربيعُ وبحرك الفيّاضُ
فَغَدَت فقارُ الأرضِ وهي رياضُ

2. The garden, after its pale complexion,
Now has redness and whiteness in its cheeks.

٢. والروضُ أصبحَ بعد صفرةِ لونهِ
وبوجنتيه حمرةٌن وبياضُ

3. As if the blossoms’ radiance in the morning
Are eyes gazing at their lovers, sick with yearning.

٣. وكأنَّ نوارَ الحدائقِ في الضُّحى
حَدَقٌ لدى عُشّاقهنَّ مراض

4. Look and see, the world is a bride arrayed,
The briskness of her youth makes you shiver.

٤. فانظر ترى الدنيا عروسَ منصَّةٍ
يصيبك بُردُ شبابها الفضفاضُ

5. Vexing ones, their eyelids tightly shut,
Delighting ones, their branches softly swaying.

٥. والمزعجاتُ جفونهنّ غضيضةٌ
والمبهجاتُ غصونهنّ غضاض

6. Your song forever dyes the robe of opulence
And dyes it with the dye of wakefulness.

٦. بنداك يصبغ ثوب شرَّته الغنى
أبداً ويصبغ صبغه الايقاض