1. Prolonged separation has intensified the pangs of parting
So much so I've become overly sensitive to separation
ูก. ูุฑูู ุงููุฑุงูู ูุทููู ู
ุง ููุชููุงูู
ู ุฃู ุฃุตูุจูู ุนูู ุงููุฑุงู ูุฑุงูุง
2. Why do the slanderers think I've become aloof
From the yearning that torments the ardent lover
ูข. ูุนูุงู
ุชุญุณุจููู ุงููุดุงุฉ ู
ูู ุงูุดูู ุนู
ุง ูุชููู ุงูู
3. Don't they see the eyelids address the agony
Of an innocent whose tears have paid the price of loyalty
ูฃ. ุฃูู ู
ุง ูุฑููู ุงูุฌูููู ุฎุงุทุจ ููุนุฉู
ุจูุฑู ููุฏ ุจุฐู ุงูุฏู
ูุน ุตุฏุงูุง
4. Oh eye! If shedding copious tears doesn't satisfy them
Melt away and spill the reservoirs
ูค. ูุง ุนูู ุฅู ูู
ุฃู ุชุณูุจู
ุนุงู ูุฐูุจู ูุงุณูุจู ุงูุขู
5. My emaciation and pallor have both
Given away my body's secret love to the impassioned
ูฅ. ุชูุฑูู ุงุตูุฑุงุฑู ูุงููุญููู ููุงูู
ูู ุงูุนุดู ุฌุณู
ู ูููุฐูุฑู ุงูุนูุดููุงูุง
6. As if it were gilt calligraphy
That made the darkness more gentle and bright
ูฆ. ููุฃููููู ุฃููููู ุจูุฎูุทู ู
ุฌูุนููู ุงูุฏููุฌู ุฃุฑูู ูู ูุฑูุงูุง
7. The envious blamed me, saying: "Abandon this passion!"
Only increasing my longing through blame
ูง. ูุงู
ุงูุญุณูุฏู ููุงูู ุฏูุน ุนููู ุงูููู
ููุฒูุฏูู ุจู
ูู ุฃุดูุงูุง
8. A wise lady spoke measured words:
"Consider the wise man equal to or above his wisdom"
ูจ. ูุนุฒูุฒุฉู ูุงูุช ู
ูุงู ู
ุณุงูู ุงูุญููู
ู ุจูููู
ูู ุฃู ูุงูุง
9. How many hypocrites feign affinity
Only to later bare their malice and fake sympathy
ูฉ. ูู
ุฑู ููุฏุงู ุฅูุฐุง ุฌุงููุณุชููู
ุฃุจุฏู ุงูุฎูููููู ูุฃุธูุฑ ุงูุฅุดูุงูุง
10. Fire's light fills your eyes radiantly
Were it not for its burning nature
ูกู . ูุงููุงุฑ ููุฑู ู
ูุก ุนูููู ุณุงุทุนู
ูู ูู
ุชุฌุฏ ูู ุทุจุนูุง ุงูุงุญุฑุงูุง
11. It is misguidance to keep company
With those headed to the market of hypocrisy
ูกูก. ูู
ู ุงูุถูููุงูุฉู ุฃู ุชูุนุงุดูุฑู ู
ุณุงููุง ุงูู ุณูููู ุงูููููุงูู ููุงูุง
12. You strive, though if given its due
You'd attain what you aspire to rightfully
ูกูข. ุชูุณุนูู ููู ุงุนุทูุชู ุณูุนูููู ุญููููู
ูุจููุบุชู ู
ุง ุฃู
ูููุชููู ุงุณุชุญูุงูุง
13. So abandon the land, bid the world farewell
Head for Oman, shun all horizons
ูกูฃ. ูู
ุคูููุฏู ุงูุณูุทุงู ุฒูุฑ ูุฏุน ุงููุฑู
ุงูู ููู
ูุงูุฌูุฑู ุงูุขูุงูุง
14. There your status facade will please you
And life's taste will sweeten
ูกูค. ููู ูุฑููู ูุฌูู ุฌุงููู ู
ูุจูุง ุชุทูุจู ูู ุงูุญูุงุฉู ู
15. Return to your homeland and seek the king
Who cloaks the darkness of your hopes in sunshine
ูกูฅ. ุนุงูุฏ ุจูุงุฏู ูุงูุตุฏ ุงูู
ูู ุงูุฐู
ููุณู ุฏูุฌู ุขู
ุงูู ุงูุงุดุฑุงูุง
16. A king, if one day misfortune stings you
You'll find in his munificence a coat of mail
ูกูฆ. ู
ููููู ุงุฐุง ูุณุนูุชู ููู
ุงู ููุจุฉู
ุตุงุฏูุชู ู
ู ุฅูุนุงู
ูู ุฏูุฑูุงูุง
17. He savors openness to the extent that he
Sees the nourishment of his generosity in openness
ูกูง. ูุณุชุนุฐุจู ุงูุงุทูุงู ุญุชู ุงูููู
ููุฑู ุบุฐุงุกู ุณู
ุงุญููู ุงูุงุทูุงูุง
18. If you set forth, you'd obtain through good fortune
What your tribe has long aspired to
ูกูจ. ูู ุณุฑุชู ููุฒุชู ู
ู ุงููุณุงุฑ ุจุทุงุฆูู
ุชุณุฑู ุจู ุนู ููู
ู ุงูุงู
19. When gifts pour down, I said to a critic of you
"My friend! Do not blame generosity on the generous man"
ูกูฉ. ูุฐุง ูููุชู ูุนุงุฐูู ูู ุนูุฏู
ุชูุจู ุงููุจุงุชู ูุชูุซุฑ ุงูุงููุงูุง
20. If he sees you obedient, whether near or far
Bearing the immense or heavy load
ูขู . ูุง ู
ูู ูููู
ุนูู ุงูุณููู
ุงุญ ุฑูููู
ุฑููุง ููู
ุฃูุฑู ูุงูุบูู ุฅุฑูุงูุง
21. He serves with his tongue in peacetime, and with his sword in chaos
Undaunted by whatever he faces
ูขูก. ููุฆู ุฑุขู ุงุทูุนู ุฎุงุฏู
ุฅู ุญูููู ุฑุงู ูุฅู ุชุฑุญูููู ุดุงูุง
22. So I knew that if I followed her advice
I would not settle the conflict, or achieve accord
ูขูข. ูู ุญูู
ูููู ุงูุฃู
ุฑู ุงูุฌุณูู
ู ูููุง ุจูู
ุฃู ุญูู
ูููู ุงูุนุจุกู ุงูุซูููู ุฃุทุงูุง
23. Before leaving, I found my own limbs
Exhausting my will to journey by night
ูขูฃ. ูู ุงูุณูููู
ุจุงููุณุงู ููู ุงููุบู
ุจุงูุณูู ููุณ ุจูุงุฆุจู ู
ุง ูุงูู
24. Yearning for the rising of that moon
Who is never clothed in the garb of perfection
ูขูค. ูุนูู
ุชู ุงููู ุฅู ุงุฎุฐุชู ุจุฑุฃููุง
ุฃุนุฏู ูู ุชุฑู ุงูุฎูุงู ููุงูุง
25. The interests of the land are in a pen of his
That undertakes futures and provisions
ูขูฅ. ููุฌุฏุชู ู
ู ูุจู ุงูุฑููุญูู ุฌูุงุฑุญู
ููุฑููููู ุนุฒู
ู ูู ุงูุณููุฑู ุงุฑูุงูุง
26. Awake he attends to acts of grace as if
He found sleep an experience to be tasted
ูขูฆ. ุญูุจูุงู ูุทูุนุฉ ุฐูู ุงููู
ุฑ ุงูุฐู
ูุง ููุชุณู ุบุจูู ุงูุชู
27. He converses with scholars until he
Dislikes turning away during study
ูขูง. ูู
ุตุงูุญ ุงูุงูููู
ูู ููู
ู ููู
ูุชูููููู ุงูุขุฌุงู ูุงูุงุฑุฒุงูุง
28. You'd think beneath the night his luminous brow
A dawn spreading light into the darkness
ูขูจ. ููุธุงู ูุฑุนู ุงูู
ุงุชู ูุฃูููู
ูุฌุฏ ุงูุฑูุงุฏู ุฃู
ูุฑูู ุดูุกู ุฐุงูุง
29. He almost transcends the limits of sublimity
To the point of rising with the stars racing high
ูขูฉ. ูููุทุงูุน ุงูุนููุงุกู ุญุชู ุฃูููู
ุนูุฏ ุงูุฑูููููุฉ ููุฑูู ุงูุงุทุฑุงูุง
30. His swords on an ominous day
Give the enemy a cup of hot blood to drink
ูฃู . ูุชุฎุงูู ุชุญุช ุงูููู ุถูุกู ุฌุจูููู
ุตูุจุญุงู ููู
ูุฏูู ุนูู ุงูุธูุงู
31. Their nature lacks gentleness
But their tents are made of fine fabric
ูฃูก. ูููุงุฏ ู
ู ูุฑุท ุงูุชูุงูู ูู ุงูุนููู
ููุฑููู ู
ุน ุงูููู
ุด ุงูุชู ุชุชุฑุงูู
32. If people could, the day he marched forth
They would pave the ground his noble steeds trod
ูฃูข. ูุณูููููู ูู ููููู ููู
ุชูุณูู ุงูุนุฏู ูุงุณู ุงูุญู
33. I have vowed if I see, once he has stirred
My steed to gallop towards him, I shall
ูฃูฃ. ู
ุง ูู ุฎูุงุฆููุง ููุงูู ุฑูููุฉู
ููู ู
ุถุงุฑุจูุง ุฎูููููู ุฑูุงูุง
34. Marry my soul to the daughter of joy
Divorce the daughter of worries
ูฃูค. ููู ุงุณุชุทุงุน ุงููุงุณู ููู
ู ุฑููุจูู
ูุฑุดูุง ููููุงุท ุฌูุงุฏูู ุงูุงุญุฏุงูุง
35. Forgive the past sins of fate
And accept its excuse, however narrow
ูฃูฅ. ูููุฏ ูุฐุฑุช ูุฆู ุฑุฃูุช ููุฏ ุญุฏุง
ุจุฑูุงุฆุจู ุญุงุฏู ุงููู ููุณุงูุง
36. Never again endure the anguish
Of their betrayal turning spring water bitter
ูฃูฆ. ูุง ุฒูููุฌูู ุจูุช ุงูุณุฑูุฑ ุจุฎุงุทุฑู
ููุงุนุทููู ุจูุช ุงููู
37. As if God had taken a covenant from them
To violate the covenant
ูฃูง. ููุง ุบููุฑูู ููุฏูุฑ ุณุงูู ุฐูุจูู
ููุง ูุณูุนูู ู
ู ุนูุฐุฑู ู
ุง ุถุงูุง
38. No sooner does a wicked plot brush me
Than I see its ignorant architect perish
ูฃูจ. ููุง ู
ูุญูู ู
ุง ุนุดุชู ูุฌุฑู ุบูุตููุฉู
ุฌุนููุง ุจุบูุฏุฑูู
ุงูุฒูุงู ุฒูุนุงูุง
39. O King! Your resolve
Has left the roaring deserters voiceless
ูฃูฉ. ููุฃููู
ุง ุฃุฎูุฐู ุงูุฅูููู ุนูููู
ูุซุงููู ุฃู ูููุถููุง ุงูู
40. You've adorned your nature with chastityโso excellent!
One who adorns himself with chastity adorns his morals
ูคู . ู
ุง ุฃู ุฏููุงูู ููุทูู ู
ูุฑู ุณููููุกู
ุฅููุงู ุฑุฃูุชู ุจุงูููู ูุฏ ุญุงูุง
41. You've made your pardon the jewel of your might
Which is in the habit of striking necks
ูคูก. ูุง ุฃููููุง ุงูู
ูู ุงูุฐู ุนุฒู
ุชุฑููุช ุฒุฆูุฑ ุงูุฎุงูุนูู ูููุงูุง
42. No rebel has heard your name
Without waking from his stupor in shock
ูคูข. ุทูุฑููุฒุชู ุฎูููู ุจุงูุนูุงู ูุญุจููุฐุง
ู ุจุงูุนูุงู ููุทุฑููุฒู ุงูุงุฎูุงูุง
43. You are still peerless in your time, like your father
Foremost in reaching the heights, outpacing
ูคูฃ. ูุฌุนูุชู ุนูููู ุญูููู ุณุทูุชู ุงูุชู
ู ุฏุฃุจูุง ุฃู ุชุถุฑุจู ุงูุงุนูุงูุง
ูคูค. ููุฐุงู ูู
ุน ุจุฐูุฑู ุฎุงูุนู
ุฅููุงู ุตุญุง ู
ู ุฐูุฑู ูุฃูุงูุง
ูคูฅ. ูุง ุฒูุชู ู
ุซู ุฃุจูู ุฃูุญุฏ ุฏูุฑููู
ุณุจูุงู ุงูู ุฃู
ุฏ ุงูุนููู ุณูุจูุงูุง