1. I speak of the morals of the most fortunate ruler
Who supports victory and the clear conquest
١. أحدثُ عن أخلاق أسعدِ مالكٍ
يؤيدُ بالفتح المبين وبالنصر
2. Who established the pillars of happiness and prosperity
And founded the fortress of security, prosperity and humankind
٢. مشيدِ أركان السعادة والهنا
مُؤسس حصنِ الأمنِ واليمنِ والبشر
3. He gives generously and pardons with kindness and tolerance
He bestows without expecting reward and gives boundlessly
٣. يجودُ ويعفو منةً وسماحةً
يمنُّ بلا من ويسدي بلا حصر
4. Serene is he, steadfast in glory and praise
Eloquent in meaning, pleasant in thanks and gratitude
٤. رصينُ المعالي ثابتُ المجد والثنا
بديعُ المعاني رائقُ الحمدِ والشكرِ
5. The pillar of lands, guarantor to his people
And their guide to righteousness, kindness and good
٥. عمادُ البرايا كافلٌ لرعيةٍ
ومرشدها للرشدِ والبر والخيرِ
6. We have obtained a Saad of good fortune, his fortune has brought joy
So we are gladdened by a peaceful and serene king
٦. ظفرنا بسعدٍ من سعادةٍ سعدِهِ
فأسعد بملكٍ سالم القلب والصدرِ
7. Who meets his subjects with mercy
Such is the way, by my life, of the eminent
٧. يُلاقي ببشرٍ للرعية رحمة
وذاك لعمري دأب مرتفع القدرِ
8. As long as time continues, the clouds of his grace
Spill over all the regions and every drop
٨. مدى الدهر لا زالت سحائب فضله
على سائر الأقطار واكفةَ القطر