
Blessed is he whose rule

السعيد من سعدت

1. Blessed is he whose rule
Has brought prosperity to nations,

١. السعيدُ من سَعِدَت
من علائهِ الأُمَمُ

2. A jewel among kings, one whose resolve
Is the aspiration of all men.

٢. غُرَّةُ المُلوكِ وَمَن
مِنهُ قد سَمَت هِمَمُ

3. From him shines forth
Good faith and generosity.

٣. راقَ من خلائقهِ
الوفاءُ والكَرَمُ

4. He protects his subjects -
His grace enfolds them all.

٤. كافِلٌ رعيَّتَهُ
عمَّها به نِعَمُ

5. True to others' praises, his advance
To glory was foretold.

٥. مُصدَقُ الثَّناءِ وَمَن
في العُلا لَهُ قَدَمُ

6. With wisdom he ascends;
Learning adorns his name.

٦. يَرتَقي بِهِ أَدَبٌّ
تَزدهي بهِ حِكَمُ