
The souls' wish and the bodies' comfort

منى النفوس الهنا وراحة البدن

1. The souls' wish and the bodies' comfort
Its ways are safety, secretly and openly

١. مُنى النفوس الهنا وراحةُ البدنِ
مراحُها الأمنُ في سرٍّ وفي علنِ

2. Its eyelids have chirped with the attainment of its wants
So it rejoiced at what it hopes for of favors

٢. رنا لها طرفُها بنيلِ مطلبها
فاستبشرت بالذي ترجوهُ من مننِ

3. It has combined its happiness with what it has obtained
Of the most fortunate security of a beneficent, beautiful king

٣. ضمت سعادتها لما به ظفرت
من أمنِ أسعدِ ملكٍ محسنٍ حسنِ

4. Who meets you with a cheerful face smiling
His sight makes you needless of family and homeland

٤. يلقاك بالبشر طلقَ الوجهِ مبتسماً
تغنيكَ رُؤياهُ عن أهلٍ وعن وطنِ

5. It suffices you to describe him as one of
The house that brought us the obligation and morals

٥. كفاكَ من وصفهِ الشريفِ أنه من
بيتِ الذي جاءنا بالفرضِ والسننِ

6. The pillars of greatness, honorable in rank, have submitted
To his might, the notables of Bedouins and cities

٦. خدنُ المعالي رفيعُ القدرِ من خضعت
لعزِّهِ عُظماء البدوِ والمُدُنِ

7. He counts as his servants the son of Zayed
And of his slaves, Saif bin Zi Yazan

٧. يُعدُ من خدمٍ له ابن زائدةٍ
ومن مماليكهِ سيفُ بن ذي يَزَنِ

8. His approval, whoever attains it, is enveloped in bounty
Its flow has not ceased over time

٨. رضاه من نالهُ حفت به نعمٌ
إمدادها لم يزل على مدى الزمَنِ

9. May my Lord keep him in fortune, his fortune
Attains the most perfect wish and comfort of bodies

٩. أبقاه ربيَ في سعدٍ سعادتُهُ
تُنيلُ أوفى الهنا وراحةَ البدَنِ