1. Good fortune from the west, victory of the one true king
He protected it from the aggression of the transgressor
١. يُمنُ غَربٍ نَصرُ ملكٍ أوحدِ
قد حماهُ من تعدي المُعتدي
2. He stood by God and his glorious night when
He came in the magnificent, precious law
٢. قامَ باللهِ وليلهِ لما
جاءَ في الشرعِ العَزيزِ الأحمَدِ
3. Confident in God, content and satisfied
A guide whom He blessed us with from the guided
٣. واثقٌ باللَّهِ كافٍ مُكتَفٍ
مُرشِدٌ أنعم به من مُرشدِ
4. A blessing that God honored us with
So here the west through him is inexhaustible
٤. منةٌ أكرَمنا اللَه به
فهنا الغربُ به لم ينفَدِ
5. Our souls were victorious through his good fortune
With peace in a time of prosperity
٥. ظفرت أرواحنا من يُمنهِ
بأمانٍ في زمانٍ أرغَدِ
6. A man of literary refinement was awed by his traits
And an eloquent mind was perplexed
٦. هامَ في أوصافه ذو أدبٍ
ودهى ذهنَ ابليغٍ أمجدِ
7. What a king of kindness his benevolence is
In the wilds however much it counts
٧. يا لَهُ من مالكٍ إحسانه
في البرايا ما لها من عددِ
8. The soul of bliss has come to sing to us
Good fortune from the west, victory of the one true king
٨. رُوحُ سَعدٍ أصبحت تُنشدنا
يُمنُ غربٍ نَصرُ ملكٍ أوحَدِ