
The precedents of success wandered

سوابق النجح جالت

1. The precedents of success wandered
Among the corners of your grace

١. سوابقُ النُّجحِ جالَت
ما بَين أَرجاءِ فَضلك

2. Its best from you attained
The utmost wishes with your justice

٢. خيارُها مِنكَ نالَت
أقصى الأماني بِعَدلِك

3. And your truth it told
The clouds' pouring with your generosity

٣. يُحكى وَحَقِّكَ قالت
سَيبُ الغَمامِ بِبَذلِك

4. Its totality from you prayed
When it took shade under your shadow

٤. كُماتُها مِنكَ صالَت
لَمّا استظلَّت بظِلِّك

5. Its ships have ascended
In the west honor for your sake

٥. ركابُها قد تَعالَت
بالغَربِ عِزَّاً لأجلِك

6. Its days though long passed
Congratulating your reunion

٦. أيامُها الغُرُّ طالَت
مُهَنِّئاتٍ بوَصلِك

7. It never in time swayed from you
Among them your deeds' praises

٧. ما عَنكَ في الدهرِ مالَت
منها مدائحُ فِعلِك