
My soul is forbidden from meeting anyone else, yet

بروحي ممنوع اللقا غير أنني

1. My soul is forbidden from meeting anyone else, yet
I continue connecting in thought and spirit to his form

١. بروحي ممنوع اللقا غير أنني
واصل بالتنجيم والفكر شكله

2. I swear by his cheeks and smile in the morning
And by the dawn I saw his likeness in the evening

٢. وأقسم من خدّيه والثغر بالضحى
وبالفجر أبصرت في العصر مثله

3. My eyes have not seen an heir to glory
Like the supporter of God's faith spreading his bounty

٣. وما أبصرت عيناي من وارث العلى
كناصر دين الله يبسط فضله

4. A prince, if you describe and trace his lineage
You see glorious traits passed down through his house

٤. أميراً إذا قابلت وصفاً ونسبة
ترى الفضل مأثور الصفات ونجله

5. You see my lifetime pledged to serve him
For in him is nobility following the branch to its root

٥. ترى عمريّ المنتمى عدويه
ففيه المعالي تتبع الفرع أصله

6. My patron, if you make me worthy of your care
Then I persist in kindness and gratitude to the deserving

٦. أمولاي إن أهلتني لعنايةٍ
فما زلت بالمعروف والشكر أهله

7. For your faith stems from Mecca's valley
And branches across lands spreading its shade

٧. فديناك من أصلٍ ببطحاء مكةٍ
وفرعاً على الأقطار قد مدّ ظله