1. A tender heart and a difficult separation
How much tears have you shed, O my tears
١. قلبٌ ذلول وغادة صعبَه
كم لك يا دمعَ صبها صبَّه
2. I ransom my defeated heart to the flirt
The state of my two cheeks is like a game
٢. أفدي بقلبيَ المغلوبِ لاعبةً
حالية الوجنتينِ كاللعبه
3. Haifa, I can't win her without a union
Except when sleep was intentional for me
٣. هيفاءَ لا ضمة أفوز بها
إلا إذا النوم كانَ لي نَصبه
4. My limbs in the dress of sickness for her
And my rendezvous in old age is still in embers
٤. أعضايَ في كسوةِ السقامِ بها
ولمتي في المشيب في شهبه
5. Her two cheeks tried to kiss mine
She said, "Hold them without love"
٥. حاولَ لثمِي خيلانُ وَجنتِها
فقال مسكيها ولا حبه
6. I said and my heart is burning with passion
"I kiss my heart," she said, "here is the passion"
٦. قلتُ وقلبي في الصدغِ منتشبٌ
ألثمُ قلبي قالت فذي نَشبه
7. She smiled and I perceived from my thirst
What a pleasant drink her mouth is
٧. وابْتسمتْ فابْتدرت من ظمإي
قيا لها من رضابها شَرْبه
8. What a bite that left behind
A tear drop that turned to harm
٨. ويا لها عضبة أثرت بها
نقطة دمعٍ فأصبحت عضبه
9. I blamed her, so I said, "From intimacy
Do not make your time one of reproach"
٩. وعاتبتْني فقلت من أنسِ
وقتك لا تجعليه عن عَتبه
10. Our straight love supports more than
An easy route so do not support it on a cliff
١٠. فودُّنا المستقيمُ يسندُ عن
سهلٍ فلا تسنديهِ عن شعبه
11. She said, "Take it as torment to your senses"
I said, "This is a sweet torment"
١١. قالتْ فخذْها تعذيبةً لحشىً
فقلتُ هذي تعذيبةٌ عذبه
12. I said, "Praising the eminent is sweeter than
Flirting," and I asked for her rank
١٢. فقلتُ مدح العلاءِ أعذبُ من
تغزُّلي واقتضيتها رتبه
13. The man of knowledge and virtue with his youth
Has no joy in other than those two
١٣. ذو العلمِ والفضلِ مع شبيبته
ليسَ لهُ في سواهُما طَرْبه
14. Serenity suits him, shining on
The sides of his gaze like an alert fawn
١٤. والسؤدد المحض يجتليه على
عطفيهِ لحظ النابل الأنبه
15. Thanks and reward are of his goods
So how much profit he has over his profit
١٥. والحمد والأجر من بضائعهِ
فكم له كسبة على كسبه
16. While he fulfills the rights of honor
He spends tomorrow closer to his Lord
١٦. بينا يوفي حقوق مكرمة
في اليوم أقضى غداً إلى قربه
17. The door of his blessings in permissibility
Is easy, and the door of adversity is difficult
١٧. فباب نعماه في الإباحةِ من
سهل وباب الأضداد من ضبه
18. How much his comfort expanded from hope
And his self felt relief from anguish
١٨. كم بسطتْ راحتاهُ من أمل
ونفستْ بالجميلِ من كربه
19. How much his cheerfulness showed generosity
And his mention led us to desire
١٩. كم دلَّنا بشرهِ على كرمٍ
وساقنَا ذكرهُ إلى رغبه
20. The desirous were sincere in their love of him
And the inclined were balanced with awe
٢٠. أخلصَ في حبِّه ذَوُوا رَغب
واعتدل الرَّائغون بالرهبه
21. The best of Damascus is a young man
Who stood up for good with angry determination
٢١. وأوضح الخير في دمشق فتى
كم قامَ في الخيرِ قومةً غضبه
22. A folk whose origin and branches were pure
And the clouds and the soil
٢٢. قومٌ زكا في الأنامِ أصلهمو
وفرعهم والغمامُ والتربه
23. Supporters of the religion of Islam, disciples
Of the best of people, the people of shelter and companionship
٢٣. أنصارُ دينِ الإسلام عبية خ
ير الخلق أهل الإيواءِ والصُّحبه
24. Do you not see in Damascus their son
Whose affairs have taken him by storms
٢٤. أما ترَى في دمشقَ نجلهمو
قد خطبتهُ أمورُها خِطبه
25. Between her knowns and her unknowns
Prohibition and order that satisfies his Lord
٢٥. ما بينَ معروفِها ومنكرِها
نهيٌ وأمرٌ يرضي بهِ ربَّه
26. Blessed is Ka'b that Damascus rejoices in him
Just as his people rejoiced in Kaaba
٢٦. مباركُ الكعبِ أن يسرّ بهِ ال
شآمُ فقد سرَّ قومه الكعبه
27. O guardian of the authority that testified
To be above its position in rank
٢٧. يا كافِلَ الحسبة التي شهدت
بأنَّها فوقَ قدرِها رُتبه
28. Do well with it, with a position whose guarantee
Is the one who, after God, is most like it
٢٨. أحسن بها رتبةً تكفلها
من هوَ بعدَ البها بهِ أشبه
29. The testimony of the obligation in his leadership
Is complete and the testimony of authority has increased
٢٩. شهادة الفرضِ في سيادتِه
تمَّتْ وزادَت شهادةُ الحسبه
30. Its glory was congratulated and the likes of you
Congratulations come from the summits of the plateau
٣٠. هَنأت علياءَها ومثلكَ من
به تهنى مطالعُ الهضبه
31. And you deserve more than anyone else
To talk about the good in it and pull towards it
٣١. ومدحة أنت أنت أجدرُ من
تحدِثُ للخيرِ فيها جَذبه
32. The authority came to you, made with meanings
That made their sweetness like fresh dates
٣٢. جاءتكَ معمول حسبة صنعت
فيها المعاني حلاوة رطبه
33. That book asks for a prize
I am among those hoping for it
٣٣. يسأل ذاك الكتاب جائزةً
فإنَّني فيه من ذوي الإرْبَه
34. I loved it despite the lightness of its writing
So accept my request and count it as books
٣٤. عشقته مع خَفا كتابته
فاقبل سؤالي وعدّها كتبه
35. And live allowing every demand
Knowledge and generosity constantly of noble origin
٣٥. وعش مبيحاً لكلِّ مطلب
علماً وجوداً جاآ على نسبه
36. Time has not preceded over your time
Except for barriers, my master
٣٦. لم يتقدَّم دهر الكرام على
دهرك يا سيِّدي سوى حجبه