1. Every living being is destined to perish
And to this path is his outcome
١. كلّ حيٍّ قاضٍ عليه زواله
وإلى هذه السبيل مآله
2. O the majesty that transcends time has passed
The Almighty Lord has decreed and His majesty has been exalted
٢. يا جلالاً عن الزمان تقضَّى
عزّ ربٌّ قضى وجلَّ جلاله
3. Our fortune did not entail your stay with us
As one who shelters all people with His shade
٣. ما اقتضى حظّنا بقاءك فينا
واحداً تشمل الأنام ظلاله
4. The guide to dew and knowledge hoped for
Every day for His words and actions
٤. هادياً للندى وللعلم ترجى
كلّ يومٍ أقواله وفعاله
5. Where is that cloud drawing near people
The dew of His palm and His fulfilment is high
٥. أين ذاك الغمام يدنو إلى النا
سِ ندى كفّه ويعلو مناله
6. Where are His rulings and where is His loftiness
Where are His words and where is His bestowal
٦. أين أحكامه وأين علاه
أين أقواله وأين نواله
7. Stop at the tomb of the Imam, O reproacher
And let crying wander aimlessly like his reason
٧. قف بقبر الإمام يا نادب الفض
ل وخلّ البكاء تهمي سجاله
8. And shed tears around his resting place profusely
As words are scattered spontaneously in prose
٨. وانْثر الدمعَ حول مثواه نثراً
مثل ما ينثر الكلام ارْتجاله
9. And leave poetry for it had its time
Its euphoria has changed
٩. ودع الشعر كانَ للشعر وقتٌ
بنداه وقد تغيَّر حاله
10. The ardour has calmed and meaning has rested
Neither its outbursts nor its excitement
١٠. وسلا الصبّ واسْتراح المعنى
لا صباباته ولا عذَّاله
11. The arena of the Sublime has been evacuated so the homes of poetry are ruins without him
Alas to those seeking knowledge and grants
١١. أقفرت ساحة العلى فبيوت الش
عر من بعدِ بُعده أطلاله
12. After his determination has receded and his celebrations have ceased
The knowledge seeker in it laments grammar
١٢. آه للطالبين علماً ورفداً
بعد ما غاضَ عزمه واحْتفاله
13. Do not ask how his state has become
The seeker of generosity, the one who competed in generosity with his right and left hand, has died
١٣. طالب العلم فيه للنحو نوْحٌ
لا تسل عنه كيفَ أصبح حاله
14. The absolute knowledge seeker left the shackles of knowledge
His sorrow and reliance
١٤. طالب الجود مات من كانَ في الج
ود تباري يمنى يديه شماله
15. Wondrous is his throne when it was planted
However its leaves and branches have withered
١٥. طالب العلم مطلقاً خلّ عنه
قيد العلم حزنه واتّكاله
16. Wondrous is his time when it has passed
However its mountains have walked and crumbled
١٦. عجباً من سريره يوم أوْدى
كيفما أوْرَقت ورقّت ظلاله
17. His soul has ascended to its like, al-Zahr
And where, where are its like on earth
١٧. عجباً من زمانه حين ولَّى
كيفما سيرت ودكَّت جباله
18. Thus the stars of the horizon fell about
And the crescent moon stooped to initiate greetings
١٨. صعدت روحه لأمثالها الزه
ر وفي الأرضِ أين أين أمثاله
19. And we were devoid of dew and were met
By a delegation of hope seeking His majesty
١٩. فتهاوت كواكب الأفق تسعى
وانْحنى يبدأ السلام هلاله
20. What an affliction has prolonged in our religion and life
His occupation and inflammation in us
٢٠. وعدمنا نحن الندى ولقينا
يتقاضى وفد الرجاء جلاله
21. He was youthful like an old man, his son cried
And the old men cried over him as if over their children
٢١. يا له من مصاب دينٍ ودنيا
طالَ فينا اشْتغاله واشْتعاله
22. And Egypt and Levant have lost a leader
Whose glory has been etched, this and that are his traits
٢٢. شابَ كالشيخ طفله وبكى الأش
ياخ فيه كأنهم أطفاله
23. How many a status have I heard of kings
His actions have manipulated
٢٣. ونعت مصر والشآم إماماً
طرزت مجد وذا وذاك خلاله
24. How many a tale by his right hand was resolved
And a questioner by it was answered
٢٤. كم مقام كما سمعت ملوكي
ولديهِ تصرَّفت أفعاله
25. How many a relative by him appealed and stranger
While he was resolutely pouring the dew
٢٥. كم بيمناه قصة قد أجيبت
وسؤولٌ بها أجيب سؤاله
26. How often have I been given on the mounts belonging to him
And qualities have been faithful to me over time
٢٦. كم قريب دعا به وبعيد
وهو هامٍ يد الندى هطَّاله
27. If I were to cry to the extent of sorrow
My intellect would have melted, how much virtues he has had over it
٢٧. كم أتتني مع الركاب لهاهُ
ووفت لي مع الزمن خصاله
28. A cloud heading to the Most High has departed
After enriching the land with his plentifulness
٢٨. لو بقدرِ الأسى بكيت لسالت
مهجة كم وفت لها أفضاله
29. Thus is the way of time with its people
It extends shade as you see then takes it away
٢٩. في سبيل العلى غمامٌ تولى
بعد ما أخصب الورَى إقباله
30. And a buried over the remains has been buried
As was said by the one whose proverbs have spread
٣٠. هكذا عادة الزمان بنوه
بسط ظل كما ترى وزواله
31. From this much to that much is this heedlessness from us
Of the certainty of demise and this confusion
٣١. ودفين على بقايا دفين
مثل ما قال من سرت أمثاله
32. He has departed, O Judge of Judges, in a tomb
In which You were a plentiful rain happily pouring down
٣٢. كم إلى كم هذا التغافل منَّا
عن يقين الردى وهذا التباله
33. And may God reward the generosity of Your palm over us
And Your donation and bestowal
٣٣. جاد يا قاضي القضاة ضريحاً
كنت فيهِ غيثٌ يسرُّ انْهماله
34. The gentle breeze spreads praise of You from us
And anguish over You makes us sick
٣٤. وجزى الله جود كفّك عنَّا
وتولاَّك جوده ونواله
٣٥. لك منَّا نشر النسيم ثناءً
ولنا بالأسى عليك اعْتلاله