1. Despite the dew having disappeared in its entirety,
Nothing remains but an illusion of its imagination,
١. برغميَ أن غاض الندى بكماله
فلم يبق إلا زورة من خياله
2. And tears from eyelids as if
They bid farewell to his resting place with an outpouring of generosity.
٢. وإلا دموع من جفون كأنها
تردّ على مثواه فيض نواله
3. I grieved for a full moon that set beyond Muhammad,
For "set" means the loss of its beauty and grace.
٣. أسفت لبدرٍ بانَ عنه محمد
فبان بمعني حسنه وجماله
4. It departed as the clouds bid farewell
And a breeze blew through every garden from its trail.
٤. وولى كما ولى السحاب مودّعاً
وفي كلّ روضٍ نفحة من سجاله
5. Yet it left gems from its sea,
And though it died, it immortalized the virtues of its family.
٥. وزال وقد أبقى جواهر بحره
ومات وقد أحيى مناقبَ آله
6. Indeed, in the cause of God the death place of the noble
Is where the high are brought down like his own downfall.
٦. ألا في سبيل الله مصرع ماجد
تزيلت العلياء مثل زواله
7. We lost the overflowing of generosity, and by God,
The light of glory dimmed during its course.
٧. فقدناه فيّاض المكارم واللهى
يشفّ ضياء المجد بين خلاله
8. If after him the hands of seekers fall short,
I vow they grasp to its ropes.
٨. لئن قصرت أيدي المطالب بعده
لعهدي بها موصولة بحباله
9. If after him the hands of events spread wide,
I vow they are chained in its shackles.
٩. لئن بسطت أيدي الحوادث بعده
لعهدي بها مغلولة بنكاله
10. By my soul! Traits of clarity imprinted
The cheeks of beauty with its attributes.
١٠. بروحيَ وضاح الصفات كأنما
طبعن دراري الحسن بعد خصاله
11. Oh He who created his hands and gave him life!
The thirsty have lost the purest nectar.
١١. أما والذي أنشا أياديه والحيا
لقد فقد الظمآن صفو زلاله
12. And he who shone from the horizon disappeared from all people,
Like a star veiled by its decline.
١٢. وقد زال من أفق الأثير عن الورَى
سنا كوكبٍ تسهو السها لمناله
13. So who will guide the path of righteousness?
Who will erase the darkness of its misguidance?
١٣. فمن للعلى يهدي سبيل رشادها
ومن للرجا يمحو ظلام ضلاله
14. Who will tend to a pen that overflowed with its ink
And dragged behind it the tail of imagination?
١٤. ومن ليراعٍ قد أفاض مداده
وجرّ من الأطراس ذيل خياله
15. Who tended lines whose full moon set,
So letters sacrificed Ibn Hilal for it?
١٥. ومن لخطوطٍ غاب بدر كمالها
فهلاّ فداه الخط بابن هلاله
16. Who showed glimpses of meaning in battlefields
Adorned in the cheeks of beauty in its armor?
١٦. ومن لمعانٍ في المهارق تجتلى
بحلي وجوه الخود بين حجاله
17. To God I complain on the day I lost you, for He
Cast aside every sharp mind with its intellect.
١٧. إلى الله أشكو يوم فقدك أنه
رمى كلّ عقل ناشطٍ بعقاله
18. The burden of sadness bent backs
So do not wonder that I deafened al-Hisha with its arrows
١٨. وقوّس من ثقل الرزية أظهراً
فلا غَرْوَ أن أصمى الحشا بنباله
19. You weep, o destitute poet raising elegy to him
Which established excellence at its crux.
١٩. بكاك فقير رافع لك قصة
نصبت على التمييز كسرة حاله
20. And you, o longing one full of praise asking him for fulfillment -
His meanings of praise answered your request.
٢٠. وممتدح لهفان يسألك الغنى
أجزت معاني مدحه بسؤاله
21. And you, o yearner whose travel was cut short by his death -
So days slackened the packing of your saddlebags.
٢١. ومطّلب كانَ ارتحالك قبله
فعطلت الأيام شدّ رحاله
22. An era donned its mirror for a time
Then left it lamenting its most perfect of all men.
٢٢. وعصر حلا جملت مرآه برهةً
وخلّفته ينعي أتمّ رجاله
23. It is as if you never took on the burdens of leadership
Tasking the effort of lifetimes beyond endurance.
٢٣. كأنك لم تنهض بأعباء دولة
تكلف سعي الدهر فوق احتماله
24. It is as if you never carried a pen, feeding it
And propping it up in its peace and skirmishes.
٢٤. كأنك لم تحمل يراعاً تمرها
وتعضدها في سلمه وصياله
25. How wondrous the scale of leadership
That expanded the world with its gains.
٢٥. ومن عجب مقدار فرع يراعة
وقد وسع الدنيا بفيء نواله
26. It is as if you never laid down the pillars of expectancy
With a right hand spreading the depths without the left.
٢٦. كأنك لم تبسط بنان مؤملٍ
يمين غوادي المزن دون شماله
27. Rather it was a resolve you carried out
As executor of the Messenger of God's will to Bilal.
٢٧. وما هي إلا همة لك أنفذت
وصاة رسول الله عند بلاله
28. You spent what you gained by giving it away,
And the wealth of man is none but its expenditure.
٢٨. فأنفقت ما أحرزت بالبذل ذخره
وما ذخر مال المرء غير ابتذاله
29. Condolences to the Most High for one carried off by fate
And each resident foretells its departure.
٢٩. عزاء العلى عن راحل بيد الردى
وكلّ مقيم مؤذن بارتحاله
30. Time is but a thread of dawn and its night
Dragging the self of man in its transition
٣٠. وما الدهر إلا خيط فجر وليله
يجران من شخص الفتى بانتقاله
31. Even if my consolation appeased a bereft one,
Sorrow lays hidden, gored by its blades.
٣١. وإني وإن أحسنت سلوة فاقدٍ
لمضمر شجوٍ مثخن بنصاله
32. Can anguish over Muhammad cease in me
When my palms have not yet fulfilled its bounties?
٣٢. أينفد عني الحزن بعد محمد
وما استنفذت كفي نوافل ماله
33. Can I forget for him in every barren patch, clouds
That stir against the current of lifetimes?
٣٣. أانسى له في كلّ جدب غمائماً
تحثّ على رغم الحيا ومطاله
34. Can I forget for him in every slope, necklaces
Strung with his care and words?
٣٤. أأنسى له في كلّ درج قلائداً
منظمة من رفده ومقاله
35. I will weep for him as long as darkness spreads its darkness,
And I will weep for him as long as the dove wails for its young.
٣٥. سأبكيه ما لاح الظلام بظلمه
وأبكيه ما ناح الحمام بضاله
36. I am completely devoted to repayment of kindness -
Would that I were not if I did not repay it.
٣٦. وما أنا إلا بالجميل مطوق
أولى أسى لا كنت إن لم أواله
37. I lavished praise on him when we would meet,
And now is the time for weeping upon his loss.
٣٧. صدحت له بالمدح عند لقائه
وهذا أوان النوح عند زواله