
I conceal my sorrow, yet my tongue of tears speaks out

أخفي الأسى ولسان دمعي يعلن

1. I conceal my sorrow, yet my tongue of tears speaks out,
And I see the tears turning towards me, so I am tempted.

١. أُخفي الأسى ولسان دمعي يعلنُ
وأرى الدّمى ترنو إليَّ فأُفتن

2. And they continue to count my sighs as my tears,
So my tears change colors like their promises.

٢. وتظل تعدي الغانيات مدامعي
فمدامعي كعهودها تتلوَّن

3. By her who resides in my imagination,
And traveled, so the lodger traveled with her.

٣. بأبي التي أسكنتها في خاطرِي
وسرت فسار مع النزيل المسكن

4. I have a debt to meet her at the appointed time,
Even though my heart is pledged to her.

٤. لمياء لي دينٌ على ميعادها
مع أنَّ قلبي عندها مسترهن

5. She reveals pearls, eloquence and smiles,
As if her mouth is a mine of pearls.

٥. تبدي اللآلئ منطقاً وتبسماً
فكأنَّ فاها للآلي معدن

6. And a friend blames me in her, not knowing
Whether it is the sun or that beauty who is more adorned.

٦. ويلومني فيها خليٌ ما درى
الشمس أم تلك المليحة أزين

7. O you who blame me, look at the beauty of this one and that,
And ward off your blame with she who is most excellent.

٧. يا لائمي انظر حسن تلك وهذه
وادفع ملامك بالتي هي أحسن

8. How can I have patience from Saada and her beauty,
As superiority lies in the supported victorious king.

٨. كيف التصبر عن سعاد وحسنها
كالفضل في الملك المؤيد بين

9. A king whose glory is firmly established
In the era of greatness, yet he is varied in his nobility.

٩. ملك على عهد المعالي ثابت
لكنه في فضله متفنن

10. While he sees the sea of knowledge, behold,
The sea of light, so his conversation is refined.

١٠. بينا يرى بحر العلوم إذا به
بحر الندى فحديثه متشجّن

11. The generous ones of early times withdrew,
And his days came, as if they had not withdrawn.

١١. ظعن الكرام الأولون وأقبلت
أيَّامه فكأنهم لم يظعنوا

12. If not for his generosity and our praise,
No wealth would be measured, nor words weighed.

١٢. لم يبقَ لولا جوده ومديحنا
مالٌ يكال ولا مقالٌ يوزن

13. Whence do hopes have the like of his abode,
The meadows are spacious, and the clouds submissive?

١٣. من أين للآمال مثل مقامه
ألروض أفيح والغمائم هتن

14. An excellent refuge for one who seeks his shade
From the evil feared and fortified against.

١٤. نعم الملاذ لمن يلوذ بظله
من شرِّ ما يخشى وما يتحصّن

15. Take from his heights the rumors of calamity,
For their talk of his tranquility murmurs.

١٥. خذ عن عواليه أحاديث الوغى
فحديثها عن راحتيه يعنعن

16. The slain by his sword - his slain
In the air between ribs is buried.

١٦. شرف القتيل بسيفه فقتيله
في الجوّ ما بين الحواصل يدفن

17. And his actions matched his chastity,
So the bag is made fat and the purse fattened.

١٧. وتطابقت أفعاله لعفاته
فالكيس تهزل والحقائب تسمن

18. Generosity like the flood of torrents, except
There is no withholder of irrigation or stainer.

١٨. كرم كفيض السيل إلاَّ أنه
لا مانع السقيا ولا متأسن

19. And a superiority by which the envious die of regret,
As if wrapped in his clothes like a shroud.

١٩. وعلاً يموت به الحسود تحسراً
فكأنَّه بثيابه متكفنُ

20. No harm would have touched his envious mob,
Had they understood the secret of God in him and submitted.

٢٠. ما ضرَّ معشر حاسديه لو أنهم
فطنوا لسرّ الله فيه وأذعنوا

21. God ordained in destiny that they
Contend, while he rules.

٢١. الله قدَّر في العزائم أنهم
يتحارفون وأنه يتسلطن

22. O son of kings, if a quarrelsome man invites them,
They become submissive, but if you invite them to descent, they become turbulent.

٢٢. يا ابن الملوك إذا دعاهم مقترٌ
لانوا وإن دعيت نزال اخشوشنوا

23. A lineage like the blade of a spear except
With praise, there is no blemish in it.

٢٣. نسب كصدر الرمح إلا أنه
عند المحامد ليس فيه مطعن

24. By God, may your world last, it is the world
That was miserable for the ungrateful, and the secret of the faithful.

٢٤. لله دهرك إنه الدهر الذي
سيءَ الكفور به وسرّ المؤمن

25. The pillars of the Most High were constructed with Ishmael,
So hopes turn to him and depend on him.

٢٥. شيدت بإسماعيل أركان العلى
فإليه يلتجئ الرجاء ويركن

26. The dew of the son of Ali called out every affection
Until the Shia and the Sunni became equal.

٢٦. ودعا ندى ابن عليّ كلّ مودةٍ
حتَّى استوى الشيعيّ والمتسنن

27. So let the praiser be excused in him, for they
Have despaired of reaching even the lowest praise.

٢٧. فليعذر المدَّاح فيه فإنهم
بالعجز عن أدنى المدى قد أيقنوا

28. The talents despaired of reaching his attributes
And the tongues concealed themselves behind the lips.

٢٨. عنت القرائح عن بلوغ صفاته
وتسترت خلف الشفاه الألسن