1. I confided my hopes in you, though misfortune denied me
Trusting that their success will shine through
١. سرت لك آمالي وإن عاقني الضنى
على ثقةٍ أن يستنير نجاحها
2. Don't you see that since olden times, I, my parents
And grandparents are people who found their fortune in your upbringing
٢. ألم تر أني من قديمٍ ووالدي
وجدِّي أناسٌ في رباكم رباحها
3. So if my palms go dry, you are their rain
And if my state goes corrupt, you are their rectitude
٣. فإن أجدَبت كفِّي فأنتَ غياثها
وإن فسدت حالِي فأنتَ صلاحها