
Greetings of life to every pasture

مرحبا بالحيا لكل جديب

1. Greetings of life to every pasture
May we never lack its prosperity and shade

١. مرحباً بالحيا لكلِّ جديبٍ
لا عدمنا نواله وظلاله

2. The king of generosity, praise, and glories
And all noble qualities and origins

٢. ملك الجود والثنا والمعالي
والسجيَّات كلها والأصاله

3. The gown of the gardens has been embroidered
As if a meadow borrowed its textures

٣. رقمت حلة الرياض فخلنا
أن روضاً قد استعار خلاله

4. And the horizon sought the heights, so we reckoned
That it mimics the noble crescent

٤. وابْتغى الأفق للعلى فحسبنا
أنه يفعل الجواد هلاله

5. He is the most righteous of people, no doubt
The day of pride and the best of them, no question

٥. هو أزكى الأنام لا شكَّ فيه
يوم فخر وخيرهم لا محاله

6. He came from his blessed hunt like a full moon
That no eye has seen the like in glory

٦. جاءَ من صيده السعيد كبدرٍ
ما رأى الطرف في السناء مثاله

7. How many gazelles he shot, if possible to perceive
The scent, the gazelles would have been poisoned by fear

٧. كم غزال رمى فلو أمكن الشم
س من الخوف ما تسمَّمت غزاله

8. And by my life if the deer sought refuge in him
It would relax after the arrows lost their zeal

٨. ولعمري لو اسْتجار به الوح
ش ثنى بعد ما اسْتقلت نباله

9. May God support his reign and protect him
And guard his herd and preserve his majesty

٩. أيد الله ملكهُ ووقاه
وحمى سربه وصان جلاله