
O King, in whom all hope resides

يا أيها الملك الذي كل الرجا

1. O King, in whom all hope resides
And glory amidst his flock and sword,

١. يا أيها الملك الذي كلّ الرجا
والرّوع بين يراعه وحسامه

2. A silent crescent moon you've been blessed with
With which the protected strive toward their purpose

٢. هنئت شهراً مثل طرف ساكت
يسعى به المخدوم نحو مرامه

3. It has gathered riches and the crescent, verily
Brought to you its saddled steed fully bridled

٣. جمع الثريا والهلال وإنما
وافى إليك بسرجه ولجامه