1. They said he's a prince, he said no, a just king
Fear of God, she said no, an angel
١. قالوا أمير فقال العدل بل ملِك
قالت مخافته لله بل ملَك
2. Yes, the Most High has blessed me with this life and the next
And reason bears witness, as do traces and celestial orbits
٢. نعم عليّ العلى دنيا وآخرة
والعقل يشهد والآثار والفلك
3. If you asked the moon to tell of his brilliance without
Affectation and the new moon shone with his crescent
٣. لو تسأل البدر أنبا عن سناه بلا
تكلُّفٍ وتجلى باسمه الحلك
4. So let Damascus rejoice in his purpose and Aleppo his protection
In might, no harm will come, no loss will occur
٤. فليهنَ شامٌ له من دأبه حلبٌ
حماه بأساً فلا بأس ولا دَرَك
5. How many found refuge in him, the security of birds in a sanctuary
And he was like an easily fooled sand grouse ensnared
٥. كم آمن فيه أمنَ الطيرِ في حرمٍ
وكان مثل قطاةٍ غرَّها شرَك
6. Do not mention seas next to his bounties
For the seas are but ponds next to his blessings
٦. لا تذكرنَّ بحاراً عند أنعمه
إنَّ البحار لدى نعمائه برَك
7. And listen to praises like necklaces made of pearls
With which his eulogists have sung, however they strung them
٧. واسمع مدائح كالأسلاك من دُرَرٍ
غنَّى بها مادحوه أيّة سلكوا