
When God suffices the doer for the delinquent one,

إذا الله كافى محسنا عن مقصر

1. When God suffices the doer for the delinquent one,
The leader, son of Jacob, sufficed, and compensated.

١. إذا الله كافى محسناً عن مقصّر
فكافى ابنُ يعقوب الإمام وعوَّضا

2. And this companion of secrets became prosperous,
And he watered our praise, and that minister trained.

٢. وأصبح هذا الصاحب السرّ أنعماً
وروَّى ثنا ذاك الوزير وروَّضا

3. By my life, this leader Muhammad prevailed,
So he embarrassed those who met him, and quenched those who passed.

٣. لعمري لقد سادَ الإمامُ محمدٌ
فأخجل من وافى وأخمد من مضى

4. I became content with the days since I served him,
So my every robe - with it he bestowed the gift of contentment.

٤. رضيت عن الأيام منذ خدمته
فكلُّ ثيابٍ لي بهِ خلع الرِّضا