1. Your life passing by, O home of those I love
While yearning hovers over you continuously
١. حيتك غادية الحيا يا دار من
أهوى وحوّامٌ عليك المرزم
2. I cannot forget when the charming beloved glanced
And love was determined to seek union
٢. ما أنس إذ لحظ الأحبة ساحرٌ
والحب في طلب الوصال معزّم
3. A life shining as his crown illuminated
The face of affairs, so oppression is defeated
٣. عيش يضيءُ كما أضاء بتاجه
وجه القضايا فالمظالم تهزم
4. The noble ones excelled in their states
Fate raises them and commands make them resolute
٤. أنحى بني العلياء في حالاتهم
فالقدر يرفع والأوامر تجزم
5. O ruler, how much in the neglected is his money
A bag to be opened and a bag of justice to be tied up
٥. يا حاكماً كم في العفاة لماله
كيسٌ يحل وكيس عدل يحزم
6. For the populated mosque, five months
I have no arrival in the newspapers to be carved
٦. للجامع المعمور خمسة أشهر
ما لي وصول في الجرائد يخزم
7. So I composed it and I fear your saying jokingly
This poem is unnecessary attachment
٧. فنظمتها وأخاف قولك مازحاً
هذي القصيد لزوم ما لا يلزم