
The covenant with Laila watered a weeping one, and clouds

سقى عهد ليلى مدمع وسحائب

1. The covenant with Laila watered a weeping one, and clouds
That drag youth behind them and sides.

١. سقى عهد ليلى مدمعٌ وسحائب
تجرُّ صباً من خلفها وجنائب

2. And the inspiration of the time of union when I direct the tearful one
Lamps of beauty, and the hair is an opponent.

٢. وحيّ زمان الوصل إذ أوجه الدمى
قناديل حسنٍ والشعور محارب

3. Nights loyal to Laila, a friend sticking around
As virtuousness has a companion in Damascus.

٣. ليالي وفا ليلى صديقٌ ملازم
كما للتقى والبر في الشام صاحب

4. Hopeful for his words and deeds
No wonder hopes in him are sought.

٤. مرجيَة أقواله وفعاله
ولا غرو أن ترجى لديه الرغائب

5. He wakes for the important matter, watches over it
So he sang, and sleep fell on the eyelids.

٥. تنبه في الأمر المهمّ يراعه
فأغنى ونامت في الجفون القواضب

6. And creation said, who is this you are praising
For his skill, where virtues and talents meet?

٦. وقال الورى من ذا الذي أنت مادح
براعته حيث التقى والمواهب

7. I said to them, Moses of the time, and this
Is his staff in which the king has intentions.

٧. فقلت لهم موسى الزمان وهذه
عصاه التي للملك فيها مآرب