
How clear the path of truth appears

أرأيت نهج الحق كيف يبين

1. How clear the path of truth appears
And the prospects of ministers arise

١. أرأيت نهج الحق كيف يبين
ومطالع الوزراء كيف يكون

2. How pearls disappear into their shells
Only to follow tradition though still precious

٢. والدّرّ كيف يغيب في أدراجه
ويعاود التقليد وهو ثمين

3. Spears know their worth and tribulation
Whether drawn or closed upon by lids

٣. والعضب يعرف قدره وعناءه
إن سلّ أو غمضت عليه جفون

4. What tidings are happier than those
That soothe eyes and doubts

٤. لله أيّ بشارة سيَّارةٍ
قرت عيونٌ عندها وظنون

5. The ministry called for its unity to be restored
By one deemed fitting, and time replied faithful

٥. دعت الوزارة أن يعود لشملها
كفءٌ فقال لها الزمان أمين

6. The gloom dispelled its horizon until
The protected brilliance of Jerusalem appeared

٦. ما زالَ داجٍ أفقها حتَّى بدا
من حضرة القدس السنا المكنون

7. And the minister sailed to the lands as though sailed
To the barren lands the pouring clouds appeased

٧. وسرى الوزير إلى البلادِ كما سرى
للجدب منبجس الغمام هتون

8. And the deceits of the transgressors were seized
Having cast their rods among the affairs, ashen

٨. وتلقفت إفك الغواة يراعةٌ
ألقت عصاها في الأمورِ يمين

9. As if dyed by the oppression that transpired
They swore and were acquitted to unveil the gloom

٩. محمرَّةٌ فكأنها مخضوبة
ممَّا تقدّ من العدى وتبين

10. Blessed are the oaths sworn with crimson right hands
With these flocks it is most immense, they are

١٠. حلفت فبرَّت أن ستكشف ما دجى
ولنعم مخضوب البنان يمين

11. A fortress for the realms' borders, fortified
They sacrifice for its seekers and protect the domain

١١. أعظمْ بهاتيك اليراعة إنها
حصنٌ لأقطار البلاد حصين

12. Granted authority to give and withhold
How pleasing to the ear the bearer of tales

١٢. تفدِي لقاصدها وتحفظ سرح ما
وَلِيَتْ فتبذل ما تشا وتصون

13. As if the trilling of nightingales accompanied their tune
And how often did they stir up wars for mischief?

١٣. كم أطربت سمعاً لرافعِ قصةٍ
فكأنَّ رجعَ صريرها تلحين

14. As if the lines of its script were two armies aligned
Raised among the cubs of lions that the snakes suckled

١٤. ولكم جنت حرباً لطالب فتنة
فكأنَّ صفَّ سطورها صفَّين

15. And so at times they are harsh, and at others gentle
How excellent the minister's door, and excellent

١٥. نشأت بغيل الأسد يرضعها الحيا
فلذاك تقسو تارةً وتلين

16. Are those hosted in his bountiful vicinity
You are greeted with the light of his awe, accompanied

١٦. يا حبَّذا باب الوزير وحبَّذا
بالقاصدين جنابه المشحون

17. By his bestowal, conjoined
I am most desirous - no lodger complains there

١٧. يلقاك من نور المهابة حاجبٌ
لكنَّه بنواله مقرون

18. Of harm, nor does the destitute protest
His talents imposed, and his determination intensified

١٨. وأغرُّ لا يشكو النزيل ببابه
ضرراً ولا يتظلَّم المسكين

19. So the mandatory and the optional coalesce
Of comforts from his righteousness and discipline

١٩. فرضت مواهبه وأرهف عزمه
فتوافق المفروض والمسنون

20. Every rising star wishes and hopes for
His pens flow with what benefits existence

٢٠. ذو راحة من برّها وعقابها
من كلِّ شارقة مُنى ومنون

21. As if they were an ocean and its ships sail
And attain what exhausted men cannot

٢١. تجري بما نفعَ الورى أقلامها
فكأنَّها بحرٌ وهنَّ سفين

22. As if they were serious, while the people of our time frivolous
Will the domain of the King return to the brilliance of its status

٢٢. وتنال ما أعيى الرجال كأنَّها
جدٌّ وأبناء الزمان مجون

23. After so many years have passed?
My God, how excellent are his traits

٢٣. أمعيد سرح الملك يزهى شأنه
من بعدِ ما مرَّت عليه سنون

24. Troubles melt before his commands and weaken
He who seeks to replace you at the peak

٢٤. ألله جارك ما أبرّ شمائلاً
تعنو الخطوب لأمرها فتهون

25. And covets your prominence - such is madness defined
And the families that impose their will, if

٢٥. جنَّ الذي يبغي مقامك في العلى
ويروم شأوك والجنون فنون

26. The companion of deeds has allied himself
Your door remains shaded over the hopeful

٢٦. وفعائلاً تمضي إرادتها إذا
ما صاحب الأفعال قد والسين

27. With victory and empowerment its lodger
His talents imposed, and his praise refined

٢٧. لا زالَ بابك ظله فوق الرجا
ونزيله التأييد والتمكين

28. Thus the given and earned are alike
My God, blessed are his traits

٢٨. وفرتْ مواهبه ورقّ مديحه
فتشابه المكيول والموزون