
I remembered you, though names are called by nicknames,

ذكرتك والأسماء تذكر بالكنى

1. I remembered you, though names are called by nicknames,
So praise be, O name of domed bread and remembrance,

١. ذكرتك والأسماءُ تذكر بالكنى
فلله يا أسما الكنافة والذكر

2. That recalls the cheek’s basin, bread’s hollowed basin,
The sweetest, witnessed by the eye and thought.

٢. يذكر صحنَ الوجه صحنُ كنافة
هما الحلو ممَّا تشهد العين والفكر

3. Nights of breaking the fast, when each night
With the Light of Faith’s kindness was a feast of breaking fast,

٣. ليالي فطر الصوم إذ كلّ ليلةٍ
بإحسان نور الدِّين عيدٌ هو الفطر

4. And his favors upon me, and my thanks upon him,
But when can thanks requite his favors?

٤. وأنعامهُ عندِي وشكريَ عندهُ
ولكن متى يوفي بإنعامه الشكر

5. If he was generous and poetry answered me,
And his poetry was finer than my poetry,

٥. إذا كانَ ذا جودٍ وشعرٍ مجيبني
وأحسن من شعري له ذاك الشعر

6. And I never forgot the dripping nights of domed bread,
The sweetness, save that it came in torrents,

٦. ولم أنسَ ليلات الكنافة قطرها
هو الحلو إلاَّ أنه بالسحب الغزر

7. He bestows upon my weakness, so I tremble joyfully,
As the sparrow trembled from the rain’s wetness.

٧. يجود على ضعفي فأهتزُّ فرحةً
كما انْتفض العصفور بلله القطر