
O house of Ayyub, the clouds of contentment watered you

يا آل أيوب سقتكم

1. O house of Ayyub, the clouds of contentment watered you
Beneath the awnings, but then withheld their rain

١. يا آل أيوب سقتكُم
سحبُ الرضا تحت الضرائح وَبْلها

2. I yearn for the days when your kingdom bestowed
Its blessings over the wilderness, shading it

٢. لهفي على أوقات ملك أسبغت
نعماكُم فوق البريَّة ظلّها

3. None among the enemies was mightier in valor
Nor higher in the stars was his station

٣. ما كانَ أقوى في العداةِ أشدّها
بأساً وأعلى في النجومِ محلُّها

4. Ransoms offered hastily bowed before
Your wealth, so it removed and humbled them

٤. وفدًى لكم متسرّع أنحى على
أموالكم فأزالها وأذلَّها

5. How often beyond this have your hands declaimed
Poems whose verses were mostly ours, seldom theirs

٥. كم أنشدت من بعدها أيديكُم
ما كانَ أكثرها لنا وأقلّها

6. I called out in your dwelling and said to my friend
None was swifter to answer the call than it

٦. ناديت ساحتكم وقلت لصاحبي
ما كانَ أسرع لمنادى فضلها

7. So he approached and said perhaps it was excused
After losing its family, and I said perhaps

٧. فدَنَا وقال لعلَّها معذورة
من بعد أهليها فقلت لعلَّها