
Stand at Al-Hima after the tents, and call out,

قف بالحمى بعد البدور وناد

1. Stand at Al-Hima after the tents, and call out,
Have you seen how the light of the guide has faded?

١. قف بالحمى بعدَ البدور وناد
أرأيت كيف خبَا ضياء النادي

2. And litters that were shaded with the shade of an elegant palm tree,
Have you seen those who were carried on the biers?

٢. ومحامل ظعنت بمهجة ناحل
أرأيت من حملوا على الأعواد

3. If I thought to ransom my beloved with my soul,
And he is the most deserving, I would have ransomed him.

٣. لو رمت أن أفدِي الحبيب بمهجتي
وهو الأصحّ وفاد كنت الفادِي

4. Alas! What has passed and settled for me cannot be equaled
By a glance and my soul with its blackness.

٤. هيهات يعدل ما ضيا ما قرَّ لي
طرف وجنة مهجتي بسواد

5. As for the blackness of the night, it is as you see,
The edge of sleep is always my pillow.

٥. أمَّا سواد الليل فهو كما ترى
طرف المنام على الدوام سهادِي

6. I rose early at your abode with a weeping eye
Like the Nile, faithful and calling.

٦. بكرت على مثواكَ أدمعُ نائح
كالنيلِ ذات وفاً وذات منادِي

7. My tears flowed hotly for you like a cistern
When I was saddened by a guiding star.

٧. سخنت كحمّام عليكَ مدامعي
لما رزِئت بكوكبٍ وقَّاد