
I ask him on the day of parting, how is he?

أسائله يوم النوى كيف حاله

1. I ask him on the day of parting, how is he?
I seek refuge for you from what little endurance remains

١. أسائله يوم النوى كيفَ حاله
أعيذك ممَّا قلَّ منه احتماله

2. The nights of union have passed, except for remembering them
And the beloved of my heart is gone, except for his image

٢. تقضَّت ليالي الوصل إلاَّ ادِّكارها
وغابَ حبيب القلب إلاَّ خياله

3. With a grieving soul, I used to complain of his indifference
So who can come near me and stay, sharing my indifference?

٣. بروحيَ ناءٍ كنت أشكو ملالهُ
فمن لي بأن يدنو ويبقى ملاله

4. The full moon, if you attribute it to him, is as you see
Brothers, and its two gardens are the sun and musk are its moles

٤. من الغيد إن تنسبه فهو كما ترى
أخوا وجنتيه الشمس والمسك خاله

5. Except the moon relates all his qualities
But his light related them and his passing

٥. عدا البدر أن يحكي جميع صفاته
ولكن حكاها نورهُ وانتقاله

6. The canals of his kindness left dry and confused
So it was truly its heat and its bonds

٦. وراحَ القنا من نيل عطفِه باهتاً
فكان حقيقاً حرّه واعْتقاله

7. Take care of a glance that has curls and tresses
It is nothing but his magic and his ropes

٧. خذْ الحذر من لحظٍ له وذوائبٍ
فما هو إلاَّ سحرهُ وحباله

8. And beware in love of the blame of one who is far
And say to him in union, how cunning is he!

٨. وإيَّاكما في الحبِّ من لومِ مبعدٍ
وقولا له في الوصلِ كيف احْتياله

9. I made faithfulness of covenant the adornment of my qualities
Just as the sons of time adorned their beauty

٩. جعلت وفاء العهد زينة شيمتي
كما زانَ أبناء الزمان جماله

10. The brother of knowledge and virtues guides his advice
And benefits the supplicant of hope with his bestowal

١٠. أخو العلم والنعماء يهدي رشاده
ويجدي على داعي الرجاء نواله

11. The beautiful greeter fills the eye with joy
And more beautiful than that is his deed

١١. جميلُ المحيَّا يملأ العين بهجةً
وأجمل من ذاكَ المحيَّا فعاله

12. He erased barrenness from the face of the wilds with fingers
That show you how the marked one coils

١٢. محا الجدب عن وجه البرايا بأنملٍ
تريك حيا الوسميّ كيف انْهماله

13. Did you not see him, by Allah, extending his life
Passing by the valley, so its sands fold

١٣. ألم تره والله يبسط عمرهُ
يمرّ على الوادي فتثنى رماله

14. The chief of speakers, his tranquility
And he surpasses the right of the clouds with his left

١٤. رئيس بيَدِ القائلين سكونه
ويفضل عن يمنى الغمام شماله

15. He has a pen, if it speaks it quenches its register
Our hearings or it flows, his registers flow

١٥. له قلمٌ إن قال روّى سجله
مسامعنا أو جالَ روّت سجاله

16. It is forbidden for the enchanted, the magic of his eloquence
When it wanders in capturing minds, its permitted

١٦. حرام على الحالين سحر بديعه
إذا جالَ في سلبِ العقول حلاله

17. A glorious one roams with it in war and peace
His words and his actions supported

١٧. يجول به في الحربِ والسلم ماجدٌ
مؤيدة أقواله وفعاله

18. Of the Maliki, the tenderness of praise with softness
As if the seas of earth in generosity are his property

١٨. من المالكي رقّ المديح بنائلٍ
كأن بحار الأرض في الجودِ آله

19. He increases in humility whenever he gains loftiness
And how many ascenders were bent by his cunning

١٩. يزيد اتّضاعاً كلّما زادَ رفعةً
وكم صاعدٍ أخنى عليه اخْتياله

20. Come forth, O transgressor, to his lofty position
To you, for the matter is not one you can attain

٢٠. ألا أيها الباغي منالاً لشأوِهِ
إليكَ فليس الأمر ممَّا تناله

21. To him belongs the sweetness of precious temperament
As the drizzle of clouds descended with its freshness

٢١. له الله من غالي السجيَّة عذبها
كما انْهلَّ من فرع السحاب زلاله

22. I alighted with his singing, and did not fear mishap
And how could I, when this glory is mine and wealth

٢٢. نزلت بمغناه فلم أخشَ حادثاً
وكيفَ وهذا جاهه لي وماله

23. My lord, the state has extended its hope
To you, and the goal ended with its outcome

٢٣. أمولاي إن الحال مدَّ رجاؤه
إليكَ وإن القصد آل مآله

24. A seeker called you to discern the means
So no wonder your lofty state rises

٢٤. دعاك لتمييز الوسائل طالبٌ
فلا غَرْوَ أن يسمو بريّك حاله