1. My tears migrated to the place of the migrants
And they came back reflected in my weeping
١. نزحت لبينِ النازحين مدامعِي
وعادوا فعادت رُجَّعاً عبرَاتي
2. And I was after them from thoughts and tears
As if I were in a sea of darkness
٢. وكنتُ من الأفكارِ والدمع بعدهم
كأنِّيَ في بحرٍ من الظلمات
3. As if I were upside down from misery and sorrow
So my night is my livelihood and the day is my slumber
٣. كأنِّيَ معكوسٌ من السهدِ والأسى
فليلِي معاشِي والنهارُ سباتي
4. Absence and presence in both is weeping and crying
I teach the leaves of birds in the nests
٤. بعادٌ وقربٌ فيهما النوحُ والبكا
أعلِّمُ وُرْقَ الطيرِ في الوَكنات
5. Minister of the Most High, knowledge, righteousness and piety
At the best of times and movements
٥. وزيرَ العلى والعلمِ والبرِّ والتقى
على أيمنِ الأوقات والحركات
6. You came with the delegation of opinion, determination and clarity
And the arrival of blessings would have sufficed
٦. قدِمتَ بوفد الرأي والعزمِ والندَى
وقدْ كانَ يكفِي وافد البركات
7. The arrival of the living waters every weak sprout
So good tidings to the weakness of growth
٧. قدومَ الحيا يروِي ظمَا كلّ منبتٍ
ضعيفٍ فيا بشرى لضعفِ نبات
8. We stockpiled his support in creation and his loyalty
For a day of life or a day of death
٨. ذخرنا نداه في الورى وَوَلاءهُ
ليومِ حياةٍ أو ليومِ ممات
9. My guardian of clouds or my guardian of worship
I hope for his benevolence and good deeds
٩. وليّ غمامٍ أو وليّ عبادةٍ
ترجِّيه للإحسان والحسنات
10. When he extends his palms to the right for the people
Hope through his prayers for security
١٠. إذا بسطت كفَّاه باليمنِ للورى
رجوا بسطها للأمنِ بالدعوات
11. He is the man who feared God in every situation
So even the lion feared him in the wilderness
١١. هو المرء خافَ الله في كلّ حالةٍ
فخافتهُ حتَّى الأسدُ في الفلوات
12. And empowered the weak state of us in his time
Apart from the naps of drowsiness
١٢. وقوَّى ضعيف الحالِ منا بدهرِهِ
خلا ما بلحظِ الغِيدِ من فترات
13. So no enemy spoke against his side
And he remained obeyed, effective in speech
١٣. فلا كلم الأعداء جانب جاههُ
ودامَ مطاعاً نافذَ الكلمات